
double entendre

You know, whenever I start feeling a bit blue, I start breathing again. Double Entendre at it's finest. 


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Oh Grindr, You So Cray!

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Via Punblr

Gives New Meaning to 'Going Commando'

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Created by pedretta

Nice Double Entendre You've Got There, Northampton General

advice double entendre double meaning Hall of Fame innuendo use - 6265013248
Via Punblr

Sorin, Lord of Pickup Lines

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Via Channelate

College Parties Are SO Predictable

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Created by Craptabulous

Banana Hammock

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Via Reddit

Just Let Me Know When You're Going to Crumb

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Created by xyzpdq1

I'm Betting They're Vitamin <em>D</em>

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Created by xyzpdq1

Welcome to Television Circa 2013

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Via Masterpiece in Chaos

It Does Look Pretty Easy to Get to Her End

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Created by Rudedawwg


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Woah! Chill Out, Harry!

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SMP CLASSIC: 555 Numbers Are ALWAYS Trustworthy

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Created by Mission_Possible

So Many People Do Every Day

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Created by caio.L-D
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