

Hey can I ass you a question? What's the big deal? Well if you're here already, check out the quality merchandise, and I don't mean the rear. Anything and anything having to do with the ass in all it's forms will be here to satisfy your cravings.


ass donkey double meaning literalism misinterpretation mistake - 5331923200

A Giant Catastrophe

giant cat ass trophy catastrophe homophones literalism double meaning puns - 6705440256
Via Reddit


ass contraction donkey math matrix - 4174613248
Created by KatDrama

Well That is Just FILTHY.

gifs false expectations tap double entendre donkey literalism ass - 7078228992

He's Just Callin' 'Em As He Sees 'Em

ass birds donkey double meaning literalism - 5013747200
Created by Formyyaoi

Studies Have Shown...

ass donkey double meaning lazy playing video games - 4765049088

And His Attorney's Name is Harold Balsagna

ass homophones huge surname - 5996463616
Created by Bob Shawn

Sargent Hauling Ass - Donkey Pun

ass donkey double meaning literalism order pun - 6444090112
Created by xyzpdq1


ass costume critique donkey insult just saying literalism look obvious resemblance statement - 4492927744
Created by Tox_Mace

Which Would You ASSign to Yourself?

ass donkey double meaning dumb Hall of Fame insults KISS lazy literalism smart suffix - 5820992000
Created by chains

Remind Me Never to Eat Molasses Ever Again...

ass double meaning Hall of Fame literalism question suffix - 5406086912
Created by lizzwilson86

Horsing Around Somewhere I'm Sure

donkey literalism ass double meaning - 6928404224
Created by xyzpdq1

Fitting Shenanigans From a Kid Named Donkey Xote

ass baby donkey double meaning goat Hall of Fame literalism - 6095451392
Via Punblr


Mass dat ass meme ass similar sounding - 6638078464

He's Such an Ass Hole

ass donkey double meaning hole literalism shrek - 6170530048
Created by Regrubezeehc

That's One Way to Do it

ass donkey double meaning Hall of Fame idiom literalism - 5785174784
Created by trollcave_08
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