Web Comics


You're Only Embarrassing Yourself

gandalf twitter Lord of the Rings facebook - 6980642048

Tweeting the Truth

celebutard gay joke justin bieber twitter usher - 4864854016

They Know

web comics twitter death They Know
Via theverynearfuture

The Only Way to Improve is To Keep At It, You Ass

Via Dril Pencils
twitter list garfield web comics - 264197

Coupling Jaden Smith's Twitter Account With Garfield Comics is One of The Best Things In The World

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Twitter And Facebook Have Changed Communication Completely

facebook twitter web comics - 8226890752
Via Zen Pencils

That's #Crazy Enough to #Work

twitter hashtags all right gentlemen business funny - 7584548352

We're Liek Faminists

twitter ICP facepalm feminism women - 7005298944
Created by thehotrod69

Is That Really Necessary?

twitter pringles food - 7035049984
Via @DanHarmon

This Decision is Not My Favorite

web comics twitter likes This Decision is Not My Favorite
Via jayunplugged

You Can Buy A Lot of Succotash With That Cash

twitter birds web comics - 8289161472
Via Toonhole

The Hash Tag Seals The Deal And Adds Authenticity That Brands Crave

twitter ghosts web comics - 8289147648
Via Pain Train Comic

Dumb Daughters

best of week facebook myspace social media twitter - 5285426176

So That is What is Responsible For The Increasingly Glib And Inarticulate Style of Arguments Popular Today

Via Owl Turd Comics

The Best Idea Since Twitter

twitter trolling genius web comics - 8767396864
Via thebinarylanguage
Funny comics roasting popular websites and disney movies.

Artist Brilliantly Roasts Popular Websites Via Disney Movies

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