Web Comics

star wars

Star Wars, history's greatest science fiction series, and a timeless classic with enough Jar Jar quotes to wish you could forget. Enjoy the best puns and jokes from a Galaxy Far Far Away and take your humor interstellar.

Why Even Have Kids If They Won't Play Star Wars With You?

web comics parenting star wars Why Even Have Kids If They Won't Play Star Wars With You?
Via lunarbaboon


apples mac puns star wars the force yoda - 4249326848


admiral ackbar candy celebutard creepy justin bieber mon calamari star wars - 4035863808
See all captions Created by cheungfu

I Find Your Lack of Face Replacing Disturbing

star wars stormtrooper Tenso - 4867180032
Created by trollfacegod


admiral ackbar britney spears celebutard celebutards kissing Madonna mon calamari star wars teeth - 3545948416
See all captions Created by pilgrimTT

My Swingline Lightsaber Doesn't Bind Up As Much

darth vader Office Space star wars - 5185230592
Via cleverdomain.tumblr.com

The One Thing That Is Really Worrisome About The Star Wars Trailer

star wars jar jar binks web comics - 8397659904

Sonic Wars

george lucas star wars sonic - 7080592128

This is How You Create the Next Darth Jar Jar

web comics jar jar binks This is How You Create the Next Darth Jar Jar
Via dodgycomics

That About Sums Up My Feelings About Your Costumes

costume faceswap photoshop star wars - 6522382592
Created by mikeg542

When Disney Buys Star Wars

disney star wars names funny - 7620371456


darth vader Death Star Emperor Palpatine gay jokes luke skywalker star wars - 4374174720
Created by ElWardano

Goodnight, Planet Destroying Orb of Death!

book Movie star wars - 6549726720
Created by Hatebagel

Well Just Think About Poor Greedo, He's Dead Tired

star wars sleep alarms stormtrooper funny - 7642856192
Via Right Shift

In a Crime Scene Far, Far Way...

best of week csi joke darth vader From the Movies star wars - 6438591744
Created by JezkaTheChiz

Buzzkill Vader

dumbledore Harry Potter snape star wars vader - 4801050368
See all captions Created by cwalter5