Web Comics


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.


Arnold Schwarzenegger celebutard puns terminator - 4423598592
See all captions Created by LEVEL9

Me and Your Daughter Got a Special Thing Going On

web comics puns music Me and Your Daughter Got a Special Thing Going On
Via illustrated-internet

But I Know Someone Who Will Print Show Flyers

Via Pond Scum Comics


Arnold Schwarzenegger Bach celebutard celebutards From the Movies george lucas mozart puns Sylvester Stallone - 3412544000
See all captions Created by Loftis

More Like Stalkerates!

Via Pear Shaped Comics

I'm Just Surprised to See a Unicorn, Let Alone One Using The Computer

ads computers puns unicorns web comics - 7977693952
Via Unearthed Comics

Hope You Made a Copy

web comics puns album Hope You Made a Copy
Via ahammaday

These Puns Bug Me

insects puns critters web comics flies - 8300743168

Be Safe, I Hear Bad Puns Make People Violent

web comics stars Be Safe, I Hear Bad Puns Make People Violent
Via dadjokecomics

Just Take It Day by Day

web comics puns Just Take It Day by Day
Via kangaroosoup

It Took Me a Second to Get This

wtf pizza puns web comics - 8427924224
Created by WaitWhatComics ( Via Wait What Comic )

Don't Let Siri Hear You Say That

web comics puns computers Don't Let Siri Hear You Say That
Via jayunplugged


Bach lol Music puns the internets - 4233113600
See all captions Created by Sovietbob

Every Fricking Day

Via 9 Mens Misery

Your In For Some Mourning

Death pee puns web comics - 8428346112
Via Plarko

Honey, I'm Home

home honey puns web comics - 7936507904