Web Comics


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

Something's Bugging You

bugs puns web comics - 7963810304
Via I Raff I Ruse

The Difference Between Here And There

puns web comics - 8037696768

I Call Bull..

web comics puns farm I Call Bull..
Via slackmatic

Oh Reel-y?

wel comics lizard puns Oh Reel-y?
Via kindofsketchy

Step By Step

puns sad but true family web comics - 8346346752
Via Zappa Blamma

The Real Harry Potter Facebook

facebook Harry Potter magic puns - 4467627776
See all captions Created by Oga

Reflection Time

life mirrors puns Cats funny web comics - 7777265664
Via Tapastic

Life Will Eat You Alive

carrots puns web comics - 7990924800
Via Naptoons

They Have to Think Things Thru And Take Their Time

marriage puns funny - 7872193024
Created by Sup123

You Can Handle It

donuts puns funny web comics - 7819855616
Via Left Handed Toons


celebutard internets michael jackson puns skin the internets troll - 4254405120
Created by woah.o_o

I Stay Warm Here

puns questions web comics - 8120869120
Via Ubertool Comic

Cool Runnings

Via Hyperchromatic

Political Correctness

business Cats Caturday puns - 4481092352
See all captions Created by JeffMurdoch

Nailed It!

puns nails web comics - 8759953920
Via anemonelost

No Way Back

web comics puns age No Way Back
Via fincur