Web Comics


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

Regardless, People Are Drawn There

puns web comics - 8376308736
Via Go Comics


data jean-luc picard puns Star Trek - 4502620160
Created by xofox

Let's Say, "She's Not a Fan"

funny puns relationships web comics - 7913646080
Via Go Comics

These Puns are Killer

web comics puns These Puns are Killer
Via talesofabsurdity

Can You Dig It?

Via Drawings of Dogs

Ash 70 Years Later

Pokémon puns web comics - 7863800576
Via Pepperoni Deluxe

Opinions Aren't Weak

letters puns web comics opinions - 8189942272
Via Mister Hayden

Then You're in a Hard Place Too, Guy

rocks puns web comics - 8406316544
Via Go Comics

Stoking The Fire

bros fire puns web comics - 8385407744
Via Bing

That Was Great Fight Right Hair And Now

puns Videogames raccoons funny - 7440197632

The Perils of Torrential Rain

puns technology web comics - 8771957760
Via AngryatNothing

Seafood Disagrees With Me

puns web comics - 7939575552
Via Billingtoons

It's never Lupus!

house lupus puns wolf - 4467874816
See all captions Created by Bagelfish

How Does Moses Make Coffee?

puns coffee The Walking Dead - 8336353792
Created by crackwood


puns funny - 7802494464
Via Twitter The Comic

Something's Bugging You

bugs funny puns web comics - 7892520704
Via Warehouse Comic