lord of the rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.


Lord of The Blings

just girly things Lord of the Rings funny - 7719500288

To Return Jewelry

Cats cheezburger gandalf happy cat Lord of the Rings puns Sad the internets wizards you shall not pass - 4377137408


books Harry Potter hunger games Image Lord of the Rings movies twilight - 6552292352

But He's a Vampire, Guys!


Rohan Will Answer!

best of week cinnamon toast crunch From the Movies Image legolas Lord of the Rings Movie what do your elf eyes see - 6449663232

No, He's Way Too Old

Lord of the Rings Movie - 6993674496


From the Movies Image Lord of the Rings me gusta rage samwise - 4906261248

Me Questa

dogs Lord of the Rings bed time Boromir sleeping - 7278620928

Morning Drowsiness

Challenge Accepted frodo gandalf Image Lord of the Rings spoilers - 4531709696

LOTR in a Nutshell

celebutard From the Movies hobbits leonardo dicaprio Lord of the Rings terror - 4079019520


Forrest Gump Image Lord of the Rings puns trees - 4517544960

What Really Happened

From the Movies Image Lord of the Rings - 5654754304


From the Movies gandalf Image Lord of the Rings marijuana - 5001366016

Gandalf Stole the Nugs

cleaning From the Movies gandalf Image Lord of the Rings - 6458445056

Wow, I Didn't Know the Floor Looked Like That

sauron cinnamon toast crunch Lord of the Rings Movie - 6760701440

One Breakfast Cereal to Rule Them All...