Web Comics

Robin Williams is a Dreamer

edward cullen Movie peter pan - 4584835072
See all captions Created by kizzii

A Cruel Fate

vomit irony funny - 7544606720
Created by lolnein ( Via lolnein.com )

Bear's Other Interests

bear grylls mouth pee the internets urinal - 4937087744
Created by Unknown

The Internet is a Treasure Trove of Knowledge

web comics internet The Internet is a Treasure Trove of Knowledge
Via gocomics

Lactose Intolerance

milk puns sad but true web comics - 8406005760
Via Bing

Life Isn't Like a Box of Chocolates

life web comics - 8067078656
Via Butthorn

Mermaid Was The Case

Via Sorrow Bacon

Animals Have Amazing Instincts

beavers birds comics ducks turtles - 6423217152
Via Pain Train Comic

Absolute Dedication to the Job

web comics sex ed literalism Absolute Dedication to the Job
Via thingsinsquares

A Special Announcement From The Head of Apple

sick truth apples apple web comics iphone - 8313773568
Via Twisted Doodles

This Companion Bot Just Learned What It is Required to Do

wtf sad but true robots - 7359636480
Via Zenigata

TFW Grandpa Gusta Recalls Fruit Men

Via The Odd 1s Out


Bill Gates celebutard iPhones steve jobs technology the internets - 3711124992
See all captions Created by Unknown


celebutard celebutards drinking drugs jail lindsay lohan partying - 3784487680
See all captions Created by Waldemarrr

Who Was Your First Crush?

sick truth furries crush web comics - 8500666368
Via Bing

Death is Just a Dice Roll Away

web comics death Death is Just a Dice Roll Away
Via piecomic