Web Comics

Some Stereotypes Cross Cultural Boundaries

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Via GAF Comics

Don't Bring a Gun to a Knife Fight

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Via Owl Turd

Try This the Next Time Someone Calls You Creepy

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Via Crestfalling

He Had His Reasons

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If Dogs Could Talk

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Via Dog Please

Way to Go, Josh!

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Via Bizarro Comics

This Episode is at The Rear of My Memory

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Via Jack Teagle

You Ruined It!

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Via Poorly Drawn Lines

Poor Sock Monkey

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Every Now and Then Robin Needs a Good Smacking

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See all captions Created by Nathansaurus.rex

BONUS POST: I'm Telling All My Bros

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Created by maxystone

Heil Spellcheck!

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Created by amandathehunter

He's a Hugger

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Via Liz Climo

This Gets Under The Skin

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Via Bing

And It Only Cost My Leg!

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Created by DunderMiffliNate

Notebook Herp Derp

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