Web Comics

There Goes the Dang Asparagus, Stinking up the Bathroom Again

Via pearshapedcomics

Robots Will Never Know What Love is Like

robots web comics - 8160774144
Via Pie Comic

Sorry Bud

puns curiosity Cats web comics - 8188285440
Via The New Yorker

The Best Trilogy Ever, Amirite?

nintendo video games - 6605992704
Created by OMF3DS

CSI: Seems Legit

best of week csi seems legit TV - 5184364800
Created by diablo7

That Bonus Panel Pulling Through to Make for One Roller Coaster of Emotions

Via mrlovenstein

This Explains So Much

doctor who rugrats Time Lords - 7440327424
Created by moody2

Who's This 'Valentine' Anyway?

cupid web comics Valentines day - 8060509184
Via Noitego

There's Just Something About Them

web comics scary clowns There's Just Something About Them
Via stoopidcomic

Doors Are Hard

ball doors web comics - 8428372224
Via Invisible Bread


celebutard garbage katy perry literally Music pop puns - 4436375808
See all captions Created by Ketiou

Yo Quiero Pepto Bismol

me gusta burritos funny - 7691329536
Created by PrincessWordplay


best of week crying nevermind scared the internets - 5328454912

I Said a Little!

makeup Music photobomb wake up - 5437683456
Created by SoaD_ftw36

Try to Contain Yourselves, Ladies

books ladies - 7070354688
Created by Jmbsonic555

Coffee Magic

coffee magic wizards web comics - 8017303808
Via Completely Serious Comics