Web Comics

I'd Tap Me

birds mirrors silence of the lambs web comics - 7979029504

Snickers Aren´t Supposed to Be Shared

candy snickers the internets - 6230263552
Created by Nyleph

And I'll Form The Head

web comics - 8762128384
Via obscuregent

Role-Playing Has Changed For The Worse

Via Fowl Language Comics

Now I'm Gonna Make a Big Tomato Sauce!

assassins creed food tomatoes video games - 4623589376

The Dark Truth About Those Random Instagram Babes You Follow

mindwarp instagram sad but true web comics - 8425091840
Via Joan Cornella

Dirty Doctor

bath dirty doctor who - 4669521408
See all captions Created by Wook1972

What a Load of Destructive Criticism

Via poorlydrawnlines

Why Not Get a Few Different Kinds

web comics frog puns Why Not Get a Few Different Kinds
Via cedricstudio


dogs web comics - 8225812992
Via Lonnie Millsap

Vaders Toast

darth vader food Obi won kenobi puns star wars - 3827783680

But Aunt May Packed Peter's Lunch With Love

lunch batman Spider-Man - 8069050880
Created by Mistermascara ( Via dragonarte )

That's The Law

cops web comics - 7939429376
Via According to Devin

The Writer's Curse

Via Teddy And Tom

The Worst Tourist Attractions in North America

america web comics - 8232827392
Via Gemma Correll

Pure Body Horror

Babies pms web comics - 8147218688
Via Sarah See Andersen