star wars

Star Wars, history's greatest science fiction series, and a timeless classic with enough Jar Jar quotes to wish you could forget. Enjoy the best puns and jokes from a Galaxy Far Far Away and take your humor interstellar.

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Mark Hamill Tweeted About This Video of Luke Skywalker Getting Rekt

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There's Finally a Way to Defeat Lord Vader

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This PlayStation Star Wars Battlefront Ad is Absolutely Flawless

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A Perfectly Timed Force Push in Star Wars Goes a Long Way

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The Empire Strikes Back vs Star Wars Battlefront: Battle Of Hoth

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Tie Fighters are Falling Like Flies in Star Wars Battlefront

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Star Wars Battlefront Stormtroopers Suffer the Same Ailment as Their Film Counterparts

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Samus Fett: The Coolest Bounty Hunter in the Galaxy


Well Done, PS4...

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This is What Happens When Vader Finds You in Star Wars Battlefront


The Force is Strong With This Nintendo 64 Modification

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Yes, According to This New Star Wars Battlefront Trailer, You'll Fly the Millennium Falcon

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Want to Build Your Own AT-AT and AT-ST Walkers? There's a Kerbal Space Program for That!

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Why Does Battlefront's Luke Look Like He's in Return of the Jedi at the Battle of Hoth?

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You'll be Seeing Double in Star Wars The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire

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An Imperial Walker Made in Besiege Does Exactly What You Would Think it Would Do