video game coverage

epic Video Game Coverage video games Skyrim win - 80581633

Guy Defies the Impossible and Plays Skyrim with a Potato, Cause Why Not?

overwatch Music blizzard Video Game Coverage video games Video - 80548353

Guy Makes Ultimate Ode to Overwatch out of the Game's Sound Effects

Video Game Coverage Battlefield 4 Battlefield 3 video games battlefield Video - 80582401

New Battlefield 1 Trailer Touts a Marked Dedication to Smashing Your Enemy's Skull In

Coverage guy writes please for a free game from Blizzard and gets rejected in the best way possible.

Guy Shamelessly Pleads to Blizzard to Let Him Play Overwatch for Free, but Gets Rejected in the Best Way Possible


Hideo Kojima Finally Reveals the Face of Mysterious Mascot, Ludens


Capcom, EVO Drops the Banhammer down on Player from 2016 Pro Tour over Sexual Harassment


Any Other Overwatch Players out There Heavy on the Mei Hate Train Right Now?


Destroy All Humans Might Be Slated for a Comeback, and We're Keeping Our Fingers Crossed That This Actually Happens


Overwatch Brings the Banhammer down on over 1,500 Players Caught Cheating

metal gear solid Video Game Coverage awesome video games - 80484865

The Remastered Metal Gear Solid 3 Pachinko Trailer Is so Good It's Painful


Make Surgery Great Again with This Bizarre Surgeon Simulator That Now Lets You Operate on Donald Trump


Meet Your New Pokémon Sun and Moon Legendaries, Solgaleo and Lunala

overwatch blizzard Video Game Coverage honest trailers video games funny - 80472065

The Honest Trailer for Overwatch Is Here, and Oh Boy Is It Perfect!

overwatch blizzard Video Game Coverage video games win - 80471553

Overwatch Team Shows Us How We Can All Win a Game in Less than a Minute


NIS America Sets a Solid Standard for How Other Companies Should Explain Their Censorship Decisions


Witcher 3 Blood and Wine Pays Its Respects to Dark Souls with a Clever Easter Egg