video game coverage

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After 100 Hours of Work, Guy Successfully Recreates Jerry Seinfeld's Apartment in Classic DOOM


Korean Woman so Good at Overwatch That a Couple Pro Gamers Said They'd Quit If She Wasn't Cheating, and Now the Two Are Outta the Game

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Bastard Bowl Play of the Game Makes a Case for Why Jon Snow Needs to Be Nerfed

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It's a Better, Brighter World These Days for The Witcher's Geralt of Rivia

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That Moment When You Find out Joe Rogan's a Badass Who Payed $10,000 a Month for T1 Line to Play Quake

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NBA Hall of Famer, Bill Walton's Been Busy Taking Names and Knocking out His Competitors in Street Fighter at E3 2016


D'va Is Essentially Umaru-Chan


Overwatch's Competitive Mode to Introduce Golden Guns System and Other Special Rewards

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Burn It All!

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Getting Dem Battlefield 1 Vibes

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Players Are Already Decoding the Hylian Alphabet Seen in the Trailer for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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Overwatch Hitboxes in a Nutshell


Sony Has No Chill


Zayn Malik Designed His Met Gala Outfit in a Nod to Mortal Kombat and the Late Prince, and It's Terrific

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For a Mobile Version Rip-Off of Overwatch This Game's Pretty Dang Impressive

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Latest Witcher 3 Patch Puts Geralt's Crazy Red-Dressed Stalker to Rest