
wrong number

Sorry, you've got the wrong number. Try again, or maybe just get the right one.

‘You’re late for work, get outside now': Person gets even with kids who keep calling at late hours, ordering them to get up for work

‘You’re late for work, get outside now': Person gets even with kids who keep calling at late hours, ordering them to get up for work

People change their numbers, it happens all the time. Sometimes, friends, colleagues, and even companies who were in contact with these people — don't get the memo. I have that kind of number, and it results in me getting a bunch of calls throughout the year at odd hours, and people always ask for the same person… Rachel. Who is Rachel? No idea, but at this point, I hate her. The person in this story got back at some kids who were, it seemed, deliberately calling their number even though the pe…
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Doctor Informs Woman She Has Been Sending Loads Of Photos Of Her Private Parts To The Wrong Email Address

Doctor Informs Woman She Has Been Sending Photos Of Her Privates To The Wrong Email Address

A tiny misunderstanding
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wrong number text messages | Mom wants you to call her Who is this Andrea Wrong number and you got me in an unnecessary 30 min conversation with my mother so thank you for that. Thinkin about those tight nipples I think you've got the wrong number But you've got me really concerned about my nipples. Sorry

Wrong Number Texts That Were Hilariously Happy Accidents

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funny wrong number texts | iMessage Today 18:10 Hey Bailey can check my English homework Not Bailey. Oh dang. Do still wanna check my homework! Who Are Krysten, and need help with Englishe Never Text This Number Again. Delivered iMessage O.funny wrong number texts | Hey baby im jus chillin if wanna come over She gave wrong number brotha shirtless men selfies

Twenty Wrong Number Texts Packed With Unintentional Humor

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Funny screenshot of a text conversation where someone says, "I still love you. I never stopped," and the second person replies, "I can't imagine a worse occasion to have to ask this but um who is this"
Via BulletProofMarshmellow

Troll-y Tina

Text conversation where a girl named Tina gave a guy the wrong number and he gets a guy with a cat instead
Via ForestNinja101
scientology trolling

Scientologist Gets Trolled HARD After Texting The Wrong Number

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texting meme's wrong number

Guy Who Gets Wrong Number Calls From Woman Named Meme, Gets Texts From Her Occasionally and They're Very Enjoyable

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wrong number troll

Guy Looking for a New Apartment Trolls a Scammer With Pictures of Ducks

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troll for drugs to wrong number

Dude Trolls a Wrong Number Asking to Buy Drugs, Sends Mystery Buyer to an Abandoned Building

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I Have the Weirdest Boner Right Now

wrong number bro is a scary dude
Via Kicktotheut3rus

Apologies for Any Inconvenience

web comics wrong number Apologies for Any Inconvenience
Via thorsthundershack

Wrong Number of the Day: Cool Dude with a Beautiful Beard Has the Best Responses When a Stranger Keeps Texting Him

A stranger texting this guy and his beard gets the best responses.
Via EWW3

Thanks for the Pics Though!

wrong number texting sexting - 8288080128

Srsly Lemme Kno

wrong number cheese texting - 8381394688

Wild and Free Forever

wrong number prank horses failbook g rated - 8282049280
Created by StG
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