
wake up

37 Memes to Scroll Through on Your Coffee Break

37 Memes to Scroll Through on Your Coffee Break

Coffee is delicious
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Tough Life

Funny meme that reads, "Waking up three minutes before I have to login from home" above a still of a guy rolling out of bed
Via Gingerteal

Totally Unrealistic Standards

Tweet that reads, "Video games allow us to do and experience things that are completely impossible in real life" above a still from a video game that reads, "You awaken feeling well-rested"
Via Aluxir

Damn Straight

Caption that reads, "If I wake up at 8:27 and my alarm was set for 8:30 you can bet 100% imma close my eyes and go back to sleep for those three minutes"
Via anlyin
vine wake up - 77252609

Found Your New Alarm Ringer

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Wake up call

yelling wake up rage - 8577637120

The Saddest Song of Them All

Via It's The Tie

A Peaceful Wake-Up Call

wake up sheeple web comics - 8546024448
Via Kohney

What time I plan to get up vs. What time my 3-year-old son wakes up

Bar Graph child morning parents school sleep wake up - 2599784704
Created by jksterup

Wake Up Sheeple

wake up wake up sheeple work web comics - 8464979200

When You Wake Up And Then Realize You Didn't Set Your Alarm And Have No Idea What Time It Is

Funny GIF of a cat getting woken up juxtaposed to the concept of waking up and not knowing what time it is.
Via Giphy


dogs wake up gifs - 8206829312
Via Gifak

Wake Up, Damn You!

wake up gifs Cats sleeping - 8176008192

Elephant Tries to Wake Up Sleepy Dog

dogs wake up gifs critters elephants - 8034546944
Created by ani.s4 ( Via Youtube )

Customer Service Can Be Harsh

wake up web comics - 8025160960
Via Mr. Lovenstein

A Moment Of Learning

Cats gifs kitten wake up - 7986519040
Created by ToolBee
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