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35+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (June 15, 2024)

Gen X Dad Dances Like it's 1988, Goes Viral for Perfectly Mimicking His Younger Self

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40 of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (June 8, 2024)

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'Looks 3D printed': Dude's hospital 'steak' goes viral, making foodies cringe with disbelief

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'Can I Come Over and Stare at You Like This' Memes to Send to an Extraordinary Obsession

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35+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (June 1, 2024)

4 Year Old's Obsession with Angler Fish Goes Viral after Her Kindhearted Mother Asks Internet for Help to Make Her an Angler Fish Themed Birthday Party

4 Year Old's Obsession with Angler Fish Goes Viral after Her Kindhearted Mother Asks Internet for Help to Make Her an Angler Fish Themed Birthday Party

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'A big cheese wedge': Man is overwhelmed by absurdly hilarious responses after asking how to use unconventional nook in his apartment

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35+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (May 25, 2024)

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20+ Pairs Who Matched Each Other's Freak, Getting More Niche as They Go

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35 of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (May 18, 2024)

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40+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (May 4, 2024)

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30+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (April 27, 2024)

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30 Unhinged Comments That Steal the Show

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35+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (April 6, 2024)

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40+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (March 30, 2024)