
united kingdom

He Attac

Caption that reads, "I feel like this crab is threatening me" above a seafood advertisement with a pic of a crab and a text blurb that reads, "Get out of London"
Via NotDan1138

Craig Is Displeased

Guy is upset that an earthquake in the UK ruined his Etch-a-Sketch artwork
Via YourNeighborlySnail
celeb england great britain list united kingdom twitter brexit - 842245

Celebrities Take to Twitter to Share Their Disgust About the #Brexit Vote

View List

Those Redcoat Bastards Can't Take the Heat


Not an American Film


Note the Lack of an Apostrophe in "Were"

england great britain united kingdom - 8431048448

Lol Britain Cannot Into Navy

great britain britain united kingdom england navy UK - 8403572992

UK is of Crying the Tears

english united kingdom countryballs - 8397362944

What is This Deceit?

cake britain united kingdom england - 8090984192

When the UK Tries to Make Fun of 'Murica

england united kingdom murica murica eagle - 8360579840

We May Have Been Born as Enemies But We Exist and Thrive as Friends

revolutionary war great britain united kingdom england UK - 8343876608

Map of United Kingdom Artists

artists united kingdom Music map - 7426373632
Via Laughing Squid

Try Us, Nicki

united kingdom Music nicki minaj justin bieber - 7137709056
Created by _Vic_Cooper_

We Will Fight Them in the Concert Halls

united kingdom Music justin bieber - 7132405248
Created by nebbful

Britain, Take Us Back!

united kingdom justin bieber it was a good day - 7127363072
Created by ol987986

Hope Her Wig Unravels!

judges united kingdom umbrella insult - 6634514176
See all captions Created by beernbiccies