
house, housing, home, property, baby boomers, millennials, gen z, twitter, twitter thread, debate

Different generations deliberate over Gen Z buying property: 'Gen Z will not be buying boomer McMansions with a 90 minute commute to the city'

parenting, babysitter, sugar, debate, controversy, candy, gummy bears, twitter, twitter thread, kids, mom, dad

Overprotective dad fires babysitter for allowing 4-year-old to eat 11 packs of gummy bears: 'Nobody with judgment that poor should be trusted with anything of value'

twitter story, cleaning, twitter, clean, hotel guest, hotel, clean up, Twitter Thread, twitter reactions, Airbnb, hotel room, tweets, chores, hotels, tweet, twitter discourse

Airbnb host charges $1300 for a two night stay, gives guests laundry list of chores two hours before checkout: 'Team hotel here'

parenting, kids, playdate, texting, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, outrage, money, venmo

Penny-pinching mom tries to charge fellow parent $15 for their child having a playdate with her daughter: 'I can't keep doing these playdates if it's so expensive'

homeschooling, school, parenting, mom, son, reading, writing, education, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread, controversy

Free schooling mom boasts about 6-year-old son spelling 3 letter words by himself: 'People should not be allowed to homeschool their kids'

twitter, pool party, twitter reactions, swimming, pool, swim, husband, swimming pool, tweets, pools, funny tweets, tweet, funny twitter, twitter discourse, swimsuit

Dude gets invited to a pool party, defies expectations by being the only attendee to swim: 'I hope he knows he's the only normal one there'

funny random memes, twitter, relatable memes, random memes, funny memes, Memes, twitter memes, meme, tweets, hilarious memes, funny tweets, funny twitter, funny meme

30+ Memes For The 30+ Crowd

parenting, mom, moms, boomers, baby boomers, twitter, twitter thread, trauma, insults, daughter

'Don't worry, we'll get you a nose job': Gen X and millennial daughters complain about the cruelty of boomer moms

reading, proofreading, reading comprehension, education, educational, school, back to school, old school, ai, chat gpt, tiktok, gen alpha, gen z, remote, remote work, learning, future, twitter, twitter discourse

Educated adults worry that 'reading and writing on a normal level' is becoming a thing of the past for Gen Alpha: 'The literacy level has dropped so much in last ten years'

girlfriend, boyfriend, relationships, argument, money, rent, makeup, cosmetics, clothes, beauty, nails, reddit, twitter, twitter thread, expensive

Baffled man complains that girlfriend won't pay more rent after spending $400 a month on clothes and cosmetics: '[she] says I should be paying since girl tax costs her so much'

relatable memes, random memes, silly memes, funny memes, Memes, meme, hilarious memes, funny meme, twitter funny tumblr posts, tweets, funny tweets, funny twitter

30+ Memes to Bring to a Desert Island

car, cars, teenager, gift, parenting, texts, controversy, entitled people, spoiled, twitter, twitter thread

Entitled 16-year-old infuriates parents by rejecting the car they gifted her: 'You and dad drive nice cars, I was expecting a nice car as well'

twitter, jobs, job, work, job applications, griding, advice, bad advice, black twitter, grind, apply, application, unemployment, unemployed, twitter discourse, job application

Tech contractor suggests unemployed people apply to 10 jobs per day, gets roasted for unrealistic expectations: 'Who is finding 70 new job postings in their field every week?'

funny random memes, twitter, random memes, funny memes, funny tumblr posts, Memes, twitter memes, meme, hilarious memes, funny tweets, funny twitter, funny meme, funny tumblr

30+ Memes For a High Brow Audience

self improvement, change, advice, wholesome, motivation, twitter, twitter thread, luck

'Learn how to make salad dressing': Self-improvers reveal best ways to change your life for the better in under 24 hours

poor planning, planning, plan, parenting, parents, adulting, adult, adulthood, adulting memes, labor, unseen labor, work, working, vacation, family vacation, vacations, twitter, twitter discourse

Woman takes 3+ hours to prepare for solo beach day, sparks discussion about planning exhaustion as adults: 'You gotta start getting ready 3 days before'