twitter story

Funny and sweet twitter thread from scott hershovitz about Ruth Bader Ginsburg and fantasy baseball | Scott Hershovitz @shershovitz Today happy RBG memory time talked her into talking trash OT06 clerks had fantasy baseball league. Some chambers had teams. Some individual clerks did. And Justice Alito wanted team himself, not his clerks. 1/11 | last week term Ginsburg clerks were matched against Alito's team. RBG on losing end lot term. Not this time destroyed him: 10-0.

Former Clerk Shares Wholesome Story Of RBG & Fantasy Baseball 'Trash Talk'

funny scuba diving twitter story about peeing on a guys mouth | Chris Jones @EnswellJones want say 16, maybe. My family went Florida and still am- passionate SCUBA diver water is only place feel graceful went by myself on dive boat. There and maybe six other divers- all big, brawny men felt very small and hairless. 1:01 PM 17 Jul 20 Twitter Web App 5,448 Retweets and comments 13.3K Likes Chris Jones @EnswellJones 1d Replying EnswellJones have understand dive culture. Some people like fish. Some

Twitter Thread Spins Tale Of Macho Men, Urine, And A Single Jellyfish

RS Archer thread about people who voted for brexit, son, mayor | RS Archer @archer_rs 1d Long email original couple. They are very angry. Feel they have been lied not sure if they mean or UK government) and want "compensation again not sure who Want write letter confirming they knew nothing about e

Cringey Tale Of Clueless 'Brexidiots' Has Twitter On The Edge Of Its Seat

Funny Twitter story about an aging Millennial interacting with a young child about their gaming past | ZoomZoomLagoon @ZoomZoomLagoon Imagine are older than dust, Surely headed grave soon have guilted child, Antonicanila let stay with her and her family old age named her because 's just so unique She allowed go get an ice cream cone one day.

Entertaining Twitter Thread Imagines An Aging Millennial's Run-In With A Youth

Interesting Twitter thread from a guy who spent a night riding along with his classmate who was a police officer | Sean Trainor @ess_trainor long time ago younger and dumber did police ride-along with high school classmate who had gone on become cop one most chilling and radicalizing nights my life Thread

Guy Shadows A Cop For A Night In This Eye-Opening Twitter Thread

Funny twitter story about strippers, kevin hard, and narrowly avoided dead | Adam Heath Avitable @avitable Okay, tweeps, it's storytime. The year was 2015. A young (er) Avitable had tickets to go see @KevinHart4real on April 24th, and invited a stripper named Mandi May Jackson who he knew from his local adult establishment. She agreed, he picked her and they went out on the 'dn town... Adam Heath Avitable is at Amway Center Club Level. April 24, 2015 Orlando Feeling goofy before Kevin Hart gets

Epic Twitter Saga Involving Kevin Hart, A Stripper, And Narrowly Avoiding Death

Funny Twitter thread about a Christian movie called "Assassin 33 AD" | Laura Robinson @LauraRbnsn There is deadly serious Christian action movie about Muslims who invent time travel so they can go back time and kill Jesus so he can't die our sins and course my husband bought because he's an actual monster.

Hilarious Twitter Thread Details A Totally Insane Christian Action Movie

Interesting Twitter thread about the person who holds the keys to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem | David Videcette @DavidVidecette This is the moment The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem was closed due to Coronavirus.   Last time this happened was in 1349, during The Black Death, a bubonic plague pandemic.   What’s fascinating about this story is the guy with the keys.

Twitter Thread Tells The Story Of A Muslim Key-Keeper At A Holy Site In Jerusalem

Funny Twitter story about a dad and daughter playing a funny wholesome game | Bridie Connell O @BridieKConnell 16h Right. So my dad and are both very competitive/stubborn have been locked battle pinch and punch, first day month years. 15 years be exact. Neither us remember started.

Woman Plays Wholesome Game With Her Dad In This Amusing Twitter Story

Twitter thread about a couple who nearly went bankrupt after their son died because of their insurance company | Michelle DuBarry @DuBarryPie Replying DuBarryPie Have ever had call around find doctor can handle specific insurance situation? Have done days after toddler has died haven't even figured out way talk about husband is injured and urgently needs Rx refill?

Woman's Heartbreaking Story Details Major Problems With Health Insurance Companies

Funny Twitter thread started by Jimmy Fallon asking readers about the dumbest family fight they've ever been in | tweet by magicdel My dad discovered hadn't returned book library. This escalated into huge argument as he convinced would affect his credit score because my library card still registered at his address.#DumbestFamilyFight

Twitter Users Describe The Dumbest Family Fights They've Been In

Funny twitter thread about Dan Sheehan ordering a sweater and receiving knitting materials and yarn, funny tweets and puns about knitting | tweet by ltsDanSheehan Losing my mind because ordered thought very affordable wool sweater like Chris Evans Knives Out obviously Norwegian website and got raw materials necessary create said sweater myself. they ikead sweater oh my god fucking dying at this Or dyeing

Accidental Yarn Purchase Inspires Hilarious Pun-Filled Twitter Thread

Funny Twitter stories about people who had awkward encounters with celebrities | tweet by lookattyler drunk and met zoe kravitz at bar brooklyn once kept telling her beautiful she is and just so overwhelmed by beautiful she started crying she craddled her arms and just kept telling going be okay.

Awkward Encounters With Celebrities, As Told By Mortified Twitter Users

Depressing Twitter thread about the high costs of paying for a college or graduate education in the United States | tweet by Grandpa_Rufus had mine down about $26 unable continue payments and now its $50k am glad they can add thousands fees federally back loan never goes away

Depressing Twitter Thread Details The High Costs Of Education In America

Heartwarming and inspiring Twitter thread about a stroke patient in Ireland who recovers fully | tweet by drliamhealy "Mammy's not well" 5 year old Priya has FaceTimed her Dad, Damian, using family iPad. Damian is on his way work s been busy few weeks family. His wife Mary, 35, is at home with their daughter and new 2 week old baby, Noah s two days before Christmas. Horrified, Damian sees iPad his daughter is holding his wife Mary has collapsed ground. She is not moving. She can't speak.

Miraculous Story About A Stroke Patient Restored Our Faith In Humanity

awkward Oblivious Woman In A Cafe | tweet by LittleCecil2 so, l'm sat busy cafe reading book with cup tea and pastry and lady sat opposite engrossed her newspaper has just taken bite my pastry. will update

Embarrassing Twitter Story About An Oblivious Woman In A Cafe Is All Of Us