
twitter story

twitter story, viral videos, twitter, child, Twitter Thread, kid, toddler, kids, toddlers, tweets, dad, tiktokers, mom, twitter discourse, son, children, tiktok

Mom and dad order seafood at restaurant, flick their 2-year-old son's hand away from their food: 'Them stuffing their face with food and him just watching is so heartbreaking'

Poor baby
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reviews, twitter story, divorced, twitter, review, lawyer, communication, twitter reactions, tweets, divorce, tweet, alimony, money, twitter discourse, law, custody

'She was good in court but communication with her is nearly impossible': Divorce lawyer responds to 86 emails from client and wins her custody and alimony, gets less than stellar review

This would happen to Miranda Hobbes
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twitter story, cleaning, twitter, clean, hotel guest, hotel, clean up, Twitter Thread, twitter reactions, Airbnb, hotel room, tweets, chores, hotels, tweet, twitter discourse

Airbnb host charges $1300 for a two night stay, gives guests laundry list of chores two hours before checkout: 'Team hotel here'

Hotels for the win
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twitter story, friendship, twitter, Twitter Thread, therapy, communication, friends, twitter reactions, stress, viral tweets, tweets, boundaries, tweet, black twitter, twitter discourse

Inconsiderate dude shuts down friend asking for emotional support, anoints himself the King of Boundaries: 'Don’t be inconsistent and then expect me to play the fat friend'

He has a PhD in Communications
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twitter story, viral videos, twitter, surveillance, viral video, mexican food, twitter reactions, chipotle, filming, food service, tweets, food, tweet, fast food, Video, twitter discourse

Dude records Chipotle employee to get larger portions, gets criticized for being embodiment of the surveillance state: 'They don't get paid enough for this'

Just ask for more
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customer service, twitter story, self checkout, twitter, tips, checkout, Twitter Thread, tip, customers, robot, twitter reactions, tipping, customer, robots, twitter discourse

'Think about poor robot!': Self checkout kiosk asks customers to tip, sparks confusion and outrage

The robot doesn't need 20%
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twitter, twitter memes, funny twitter, twitter thread, twitter reactions, fresh tweets, fresh memes, viral, viral tweets, trending, trending memes, trending tweets, celebrity twitter, twitter story, news, pop culture

35+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (April 6, 2024)

Discourse aplenty
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twitter story, landlord, twitter, Twitter Thread, landlords, apartments, twitter reactions, clutter, viral tweets, messy, tweets, tweet, dirty, mess, twitter discourse, apartment

'In 20 years that I own the property, have not seen such mess inside!!': High-strung landlord scolds tenant for having a mildly messy apartment

Not a laundry basket...
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twitter story, author, writers, twitter, reader, Twitter Thread, reading, read, writer, twitter reactions, authors, books, tweets, library, book, tweet, writing

Author criticizes reader for borrowing his book from the library: 'It's even better when you buy, not borrow, your copy'

What a jerk!
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funny, funny tweets, funny twitter, twitter thread, twitter memes, twitter reactions, twitter discourse, twitter story, viral, viral tweets, trending, trending tweets, couples, couple goals, relationships

'You invented hanging out and drinking?': Couple is ruthlessly clowned for their special 'bottle night' tradition

Brother I think that's just hanging out
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twitter, twitter memes, funny twitter, twitter thread, twitter reactions, twitter story, crazy, wild, funny, funny tweets, confession, out of pocket, absurd, dangerous, silly

25+ Wild Tweets From Users With No Filter

You can't un-Tweet it
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twitter, twitter memes, twitter thread, twitter reactions, twitter discourse, twitter story, debate, discourse, modern discourse, discussion, behavior, society, rip society, manners, commute

'Bluetooth headphones are $10 now': Frustrated commuters accuse people who use speaker phone in public of 'anti social behavior'

At this point, we all have headphones
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twitter, twitter thread, twitter reactions, twitter discourse, twitter story, viral, viral tweets, trending, trending tweets, dogs, cute dogs, funny dog memes, movies, movie theater

'I know it smells crazy in there': Movie theater allows dogs to attend screenings, people react weirdly

Just don't show them Marley & Me
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twitter, tweets, viral, viral tiktok, viral tweets, twitter discourse, twitter story, twitter reactions, story, true story, relationships, relationship advice, relationship tweets, marriage, proposal

'It's very telling': Woman gets proposed to in cargo pants, commenters claim it spells doom for their relationship

It's so hard to be a couple on the internet
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twitter, twitter memes, funny twitter, twitter reactions, twitter discourse, twitter story, tiktok, viral tiktok, tiktok trend, social media, discussion, debate, trending, trending tweets, privacy

'Leave them alone creep': Woman secretly films couple's photo booth proposal, gets roasted for invading privacy

Is this normal
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twitter story, shrimp, nasa, twitter, Twitter Thread, twitter reactions, twitter memes, tweets, hogs, funny tweets, tweet, funny twitter, cereal, twitter discourse

'30-50 feral hogs guy': Twitter users share the most memorable 'Internet Main Characters' in recent memory

Heron Greenesmith, Esq: you will always be famous
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