

Funny memes about suffering, work, jobs, bosses.

25 Work-Related Memes For The Perpetually Exhausted

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Funny parenting memes.

16 Relatable Memes & Tweets For All The Exhausted Parents

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Why Do I Always Feel Like Sh*t

Caption that reads, "When you wake up in the morning and it feels like you only slept for eight minutes" above a pic of Bugs Bunny sitting on his bed looking sleep-deprived
Via Itsmehmahdudes

'Uhh, Yeah...'

Caption that reads, "Doctor: Are you getting enough rest? Me: ..." above a pic of a cat with a weird-looking face
Via CakeDaySenderella


Tweet that reads, "I called the cops on my own party last night because I was ready to go to bed"
Via tommymessala

Ooh, What'll It Be Today??

Tweet that reads, "I like to play this game called Nap Roulette. It's where I take a nap but don't set an alarm. Will it be a 30-minute nap? Will it be a four-hour nap? Will I wake up tomorrow? Nobody knows. But it's risky. And I like it"
Via JustARegularHorse

A Harsh Truth

Caption that reads, "When I say 'I'll let you know'" above a pic of a guy next to a Powerpoint presentation slide that reads, "In conclusion, I ain't coming"
Via Kryptic907

Totally Unrealistic Standards

Tweet that reads, "Video games allow us to do and experience things that are completely impossible in real life" above a still from a video game that reads, "You awaken feeling well-rested"
Via Aluxir


Caption that reads, "Hate when older people say 'You're too young to be tired,' alright Margaret you're too old to be alive but here we are" above a pic of Kermit the Frog
Via kerrykitty

Aw F*ck

Caption that reads, "When you wake up and check your phone to see how much longer you can sleep, but it's right before your alarm rings" above a pic of a character from Rick and Morty lying in bed looking at his alarm clock
Via killb

Well This Is Awkward

Renaissance painting where one woman says, "You look tired" and the other says, "I'm just ugly"
Via VulgarPancakes

I'm Just Resting My Eyes I Swear

Caption that reads, "'Don't fall asleep;' Me: 'I'm not;' Also me: ..." above a pic of Ice-T falling asleep sitting in a chair
Via OddOneOut1337


Tumblr post that reads, "I feel that substituting sleep with caffeine is a lot like drinking unicorn blood to stay immortal. You will have but a half-life, a cursed life, from the moment it touched your lips"
Via Fairy0T0ale

Wishful Thinking

Funny meme about coffee fixing two hours of sleep
Via cabbagecatmemes

I Just Can't Figure It Out

Eric Andre meme where he shoots 'a healthy sleeping schedule' and can't figure out why he's always tired
Via ThatWeirdPotterhead


Pic of random fish guy looking tired under the caption, "When you try to caffeinate yourself but you just end up increasing your heart rate while remaining exhausted"
Via snewthedew