

Did you get that text? No? Well dive into some of the funniest and punniest texts you will ever see. Whether it's an SMS or a clever note, you'll get plenty of ideas how to make your passive aggressive intentions known, or relate to a terrible mistake. Either way, laughter will be had.

antiwork, anti work, cleaning party, fired, horrible bosses, jobs, manager, reddit, reddit thread, text, screenshot

Worker Gets Fired for Not Being Able to Attend ā€˜Cleaning Partyā€™ on 2 Hoursā€™ Notice

At least they dodged a bullet
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tiktok, screenshots, tiktok screenshots, crazy, cringe, cringey, cringeworthy, wtf, weird, social media

The Most Unbelievable Dispatches From TikTok This Week (March 9, 2023)

A crazy app
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text, blackout, funny, memes, funny memes, edited memes, edit, editing

15+ Amusing Text Edit Memes That Use the Power of the Blackout

Can't believe they said this
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work, antiwork, manager, horrible bosses, car accident, text, reddit, reddit thread, employee, jobs

Worker Gets Into Car Accident in Snow Storm and Boss Asks Why They Failed to ā€˜Report to Workā€™

I don't know who needs to hear this, but your boss is not your friend. When your boss inquires about your health or wellbeing, it isn't because they care about you as a person. They only care about you as an asset of the companyā€”a tool whose labor generates value for the ones at the top. Case in point, when u/SadLilBb13 texted their boss to let them know that they'd been stranded in blizzard after getting into a car accident, their boss initially asked if they were okay. If it had ended there,ā€¦
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manager, boss, bosses, work, employee, job, quitting, text, texting, desperate, funny twitter

Pushy Manager Flame Broiled For Begging Former Employee To Return

Absolutely tragic
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Mom denies babysitter payment after agreeing upon $16/hour payment, babysitter takes mom to court and wins.

Cheapskate Mom Denies Babysitter Promised Pay, Gets Owned & Taken To Court

This story is a bit of an oldie but goodie. We've been talking a lot about entitled cheapskates and this story really takes the cake where scum like that is concerned. After eight hours of watching this woman's children, this babysitter was denied the pre-agreed upon payment rate of $16 an hour. The babysitting client had claimed that free ice cream and a day of fun was a fair exchange. Needless to say, the babysitter did not agree, and shared screen shots to Reddit. They quickly went viral, anā€¦
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text, texting, emoji, new meme, meaning, explanation, funny twitter, words

Best "If I Text You" Memes For People Afraid to Share Their Real Feelings

Express yourself
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husband, wife, mistress, relationships, affair, text, texting, bad news, awkward, tiktok, debate

Widow Starts Debate After Telling Husbandā€™s Mistress About His Death

Supremely awkward.
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husband, wife, relationship, argument, text, siri, marriage, tiktok, debate

Sheepish Husband Sparks Debate After Sharing Wifeā€™s Angry Text

ā€œDonā€™t get marriedā€¦ or move your coffee machineā€
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typing, typo, typos, writing, texting, text, funny, mistake, weird, shitposts

15+ People Who Failed Catastrophically At Using A Keyboard

Typing is hrad
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animals, animal memes, photo, texting, relative, friend, text, boomer, reaction, funny animal, funny reaction

15+ Entertaining And Wholesome Animal Meme Text Reactions

Haha, weird animal
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Funny story about a car seller who tries to troll an entitled buyer | like car also, which is why won't be letting go 9k less than s worth. And not being dik s 7am and got stuff do ready make serious offer let know 07:12 Waste fukin time Absolute dikhead 07:13

Entitled Dude Gets Trolled By Amused Car Seller

Australians, man.
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Funny and cringey social media posts | kleo mcq @kleo_patraa Pretty sure just received best fake ID my bartending career girl handed my missing license 2 years ago | Rashed, 23 Tinder profile pic of guy posing in front of the twin towers

Cringey Attempts That Turned Into Major Fails

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rejection, relationship, fail, down bad, twitter, friendship, text

15+ Rejections That Sting Like They Happened Personally

Taking an L never seemed so cringeworthy.
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Funny text messages from concerned parents to their kids | nic @nicananti Replying rfarawi_ At least she greeted first. Yesterday 12:10 AM Hey can stay out till 12mid night. Are street girl. Come home immediately. iMessage 1:59 PM 7/26/20 Twitter iPhone

20+ Times Overbearing Parents Took Their Concern to Amusing Heights

Chill, mom and dad.
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Funny and interesting texts and Tumblr posts

Textual Posts From the Minds of Tumblr & Twitter

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