Art of Trolling


Did you get that text? No? Well dive into some of the funniest and punniest texts you will ever see. Whether it's an SMS or a clever note, you'll get plenty of ideas how to make your passive aggressive intentions known, or relate to a terrible mistake. Either way, laughter will be had.


joke lemonparty text - 4223519488
Created by Unknown

Because She Liked the Pills

Death pills text too soon - 4582486016
Funny scam on Nigerian scammer

The Best Way to React to a Scammer on Facebook Is to Troll Them Back

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I Like the Cut of Your Jib

text puns image - 8795103744
Via kaminskivision


image tall people trolling Yes...
Via memewhore

Too Hood for You

text streets sms - 7132893440
Via Sofa Pizza

Talk Dirty

sexytimes hot text garbage dirty talk sms - 6882947072
Created by freshbru

Glad That's Cleared Up

forever alone like love text - 4749593344
Created by Unknown

Banks Aren't Ready for Millennials to Have Savings Accounts

image text emoji Banks Aren't Ready for Millennials to Have Savings Accounts
Via memewhore
Guy sends woman inappropriate comment asking what kind of penis she likes and she proceeds to troll him

Woman Epically Trolls a Creep Who Won't Stop Sending Her Inappropriate Messages On Facebook

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WMG Is Monitoring Your Texts

copyright dumb text - 5118516480


bed domination sleep sweet text - 4088023808
Created by lovelexi

Google Assistant's Got Jokes

image trolling google assistant Google Assistant's Got Jokes
Via HimalayanDragon
twitter list siblings text parenting love - 1167365

A Girl's Sweet Interaction With Her Little Brother Led to Many Others Sharing Stories of How Their Siblings Show Love

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Well, Thanks!

text space iphone - 6879091968

Definitely Batman

text phone batman sms - 7119418368
Created by freshbru
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