text message

That's not my text message, is it? No, I couldn't have sent that?! You've definitely found yourself asking how something like that could have possibly come from your minuscule digital keyboard, but there it is, for all eternity. Check out some of the most hilarious text messages ever sent, and feel a little better about your own gaffs.

FAILS, dads, text message, crazy things parents say, texts, grandma, moms, parenting, dad, Grandpa, texting, parent, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Parenting FAILS

Insane Parenting Texts No Child Deserves To Receive

cringe, cringeworthy, cringe pics, embarrassing, messages, texting, social media, stupid people, why, cringey

Cringeworthy Moments That Have to Be Cringed At

tinder, funny tinder, rude, weird, wtf, dating, online dating, messaging, text message

Wild Tinder Moments That Range From Amusing To Terrible

Cringey story about a tattoo designer who got called out for stealing designs off of Google

Tattoo Artist Gets Exposed For Blatantly Stealing Designs From Google

texts, texting, text messaging, whatsapp, communication, messaging, relationships, discussion, twitter thread

Twitter Users Discuss The Pros And Cons Of Unequal Texting Ratios

sociopath, manipulative, gaslight, red flag, tiktok, tinder, bumble, dating app, dating, relationships, wtf, men, misogynist, pickup artist, negging

Guy 'Accidentally' Sends Cruel Message to Bumble Match, Proceeds to Act Like a Sociopath

messaging married woman cringe | *nervously approaches with my hands clasped together, eyes shyly cast downward* H-hello, my beautiful Queen *timidly raises my gaze soft smile playing across my lips* M- may kindly -ask are on this day? takes soft gasp air as drink glowing beauty, nervously awaiting reply*

Dude Slides Into Married Woman's DMs In Cringey Neckbeard Fashion

Funny text message conversation between a boss and an employee | dont even know Fine then prove this isn't Alex Send selfie. Excuse Im not sending anything Just do Oh my god know this is

Boss Trolled For Trying To Make Employee Work On Day Off

Toxic Texts, Cringe Memes, Tinder Messages, Text Messages, Screenshots, Dating Apps, Epic Fail | O.K ladies get don't want pleasant evening chat don't want gentleman walk car don't want friendly dude help carry groceries or hold open door or crush life out other men would do harm. Fine fear good guys guess just have suffer through watching get broken over and over by scum think love. But want know s not easy, and hurts see fall. Give good guys chance help be less afraid world

43 Toxic Messages From Desperate Softbois

Cringey text message story about a guy who tries to get his friend to break up with his girlfriend | Hey man, can talk about guess so about her been talking with her lot and grown pretty close. know her boyfriend and all but gonna politely ask if could break up with her just really feel connection her and she would be happy with

Dude Tries To Get His 'Beta' Friend To Break Up With His Girlfriend, Cringe Ensues

Funny tweet where woman says she changed the word "no" in her mom's phone to autocorrect to "HELL YEAH" | can I have some people over to drink a little? umm hell yeah?? awesome i meant to say hell yeah you da bomb hell yeah rebecca!

Hell Yeah

Funny text message thread from a woman showing her boyfriend some huge grapes | Ik homeworking but look at SIZE THESE GRAPES And 's not just one ITS ALL THEMM two dogs watching

Guy Wakes Up To Ridiculous Text Thread About Giant Grapes From His Girlfriend

troll plays dude legendary

Thirsty Dude Goes Nuts After Getting Played By Legendary Troll

Cringey text message conversation between a woman and a guy she went on a date with over a year ago

Manchild Flips A Lid On Woman He Went On One Date With

Funny text message conversation describing how someone walked by a karate place where kids were wearing their Halloween costumes and they saw a taco beat up Kylo Ren

Frick Yeah Taco

Funny and clever text message exchanges

Fourteen Hilarious Text Messages From Clever People