

A compilation of Texas themed memes.

Texas Memes For Fans of The Lone Star State

I'm going to let y'all in on a little secret…I am a Texas girl through and through. I know you probably could have guessed that by my use of the word “y'all,” but I'm not one for burying the lede. I grew up as a mem
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midwest, midwestern, life, corn, states, america, american, walmart, illinois, ohio, indiana, nebraska, corn fed, nice, people, stereotypes, funny, skit, hilarious, meme, relatable, drive, gas prices

'Check to see if the corn is taller than you': The Most Fun Things to do in The Midwest

Anyone down for Casey's Pizza?
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25 Relatable Memes for People Living Through an Excessive Heat Warning

25 Relatable Memes for People Living Through an Excessive Heat Warning

How long has it been over 100?
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twitter Austin chili dr pepper texan funny memes dallas cowboys dairy queen Memes facebook Buc-ee-s whataburger texas houston the south - 17730053

Texas Memes For Whataburger And Buc-ee's Fanatics

Texas is its own cultural juggernaut in a way that very few states are. Some people might lump Texas together with states like Alabama and Mississippi, calling it just another part of the deep South. Those states are “The South," but Texas is Texas. Texas was its own country from the years 1836-1845. Texas is so big you could drive in it for 6 hours and still be in the same state. What other state can say that?
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A list compiling random memes from the internet.

A Stupendous Collection of Random Memes

Being “random” used to really get you places in society. In the 2000s, randomness was a socially currenency the likes of which we had never seen before, and will probably never
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A long list of random memes

A Sampling Of Delectable Memes For Your Pleasure

It's nice to participate in the simple pleasures in life once and a while. Sure, these things might not be expensive or high class or highly memorable, but they add a little extra something to your day to make it stand out. So often, our days feel like they're running together, one day looking practically identical to the rest. When you're living for the weekend, making the week feel like it counts as a part of your actual life can be challenging. Incorporating little unique things into each da…
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reddit, reddit thread, funny thread, ask reddit, america, united states, geography, funny, memes, states, maryland, Massachusetts, california, maine, texas, new york, new mexico, delaware, minnesota, midwest, florida man

Americans Describe the States They Live In Without Revealing Names in Funny Thread

America is a big, beautiful mess. Each state has its own unique identity, some so distinct that many Americans can easily recognize a state based on a few key characteristics. Redditor u/Thomas_The_Llama recently prompted the people of r/AskReddit to describe their states without revealing any names, and the resulting thread is very entertaining (unless, of course, you're not American , in which case you might be a little confused).
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Funny dank memes, poorly aged, sad, tech | My prediction year 2020 is everyone will live peacefully and they will cure every disease there is think Kevin Singh | Tom Randolph @rockerest Well, Bitcoin has stabilized at almost exactly $14/coin tired waiting jump, so l'm taking loss and getting my cash back

Poorly Aged Posts That Are Filled With Regret

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tiger, escape, animal, suburban, cop, police, party, parents, big cat

Loose Tiger Causes Mayhem In Houston

Nobody wants that pooping in their yard.
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What's Next?

Funny meme, dank memes, lol, parkour, texas, snow storm
Via u/BatDudeCole20
Funny random memes, dank memes, lol, relatable memes, humor comedy.

42 Tasty Meme Treats For Bored Scrolling

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Wholesome twitter thread, weather, winter weather, texas, texans, winter storm uri, cold weather tips, freezing, deaths, galveston, houston, power outages | quick tip from a michigander dealing with a ton of snow too: if you find your car stuck in the snow, wedging your car mats under the car can help get it out! I keep old ones in my | Sound advice for southerners who are not experienced with driving in the snow If you drive on snow. just pretend you're taking grandma to church.

Twitter Users Share Winter Wisdom With Storm-Battered Texans

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Entitled couple from Allen Texas roasted after tweet about shredded cheese: My wife, date night after 3+ months locked up on quarantine. Waiting for shredded cheese as it's the only way she can eat fajitas. We've asked 4 people, going on 18 minutes now. Just unreal at Allen, TX location. We gotta quit blaming #COVID19 for crappy service | faces national tragedy Migrant Mother 1936 (by Dorothea Lange, FSA) and "But Had Wait My Shredded Cheese 2020

Entitled Texas Couple Roasted For Meltdown Over Shredded Cheese

Read the room, y'all.
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Funny meme about dallas cowboys returning to dallas texas because people are quarantined due to covid-19 coronavirus, we are the virus | Deric @DericRichardson Wow. This is Dallas, TX today where the city's cowboys have returned for the first time since 1805. The earth is healing, we are the virus
Via @hauntedtoilet
Funny memes about Texas | Why can Texas fly its flag at same height as U.S. flag see no God up here Other than ME | Texans viewed Alaska joining United States TEXAS DOUBLE WHOPPER Biggest State. Biggest Combo nobody counts alaska.

Eighteen Texas Memes Full Of That Southern Hospitality

Well bless your heart.
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oilfield worker memes, oilfield town

Very Specific Oilfield Worker Memes For People In The Struggle

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