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A Numb Mouth Full of Funny Dentist Memes for Anyone Dreading Their Upcoming Root Canal

Time to doom scroll as you await your dental doom in the waiting room.
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Dental dentist dentist-memes memes funny relatable PhD doc doctor dentist-appointment cleaning teeth tooth brush floss brushing flossing

9/10 Dentists Recommend These Memes: 34 Toothtastic Memes to Floss Your Funny Bone

Gum-stabbing memes guaranteed to give you a goofy grin
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dentist, doctor, Hospital, health, unhealthy, toothbrush, teeth, toothpaste, tooth, hygiene, cleaning, memes, funny memes, relatable memes, relatable, Childhood, healthcare, care, scary

24 Dentist Memes for Anxious Patients and Tooth Care Connoisseurs

Fearing the dentist is a strange, but reasonable fear. Most people don't fear a check-up from a general care practitioner , so why is the dental check-up so fearsome? It really comes down to the fact that if you've let your teeth go, there's a pretty good chance that the dentist will want to put a drill inside your mouth. Obviously, they want to help you, but the idea of the equipment literally digging into your exposed bone gets a little scary. I find it best to just take good care of your tee…
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weekly, internet roundup, news, internet news, internet culture, social media, twitter, lemon, anna kendrick, tiktok, doge, auction, couch, ai, artificial intelligence, deepfake, women, nudity, twitch

Weekly Internet Roundup: Lemon Teeth, Doge Couch, and AI Boobs, Oh My

Plus: a Twitch streamer does something deeply embarrassing again.
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Uh, No Thanks

Funny tweet that reads, "Any geologists or beachcombers out there know what this is, or should I just accept that it's 2020, of course rocks have grown teeth, and move on?" above photos of a rock that appears to have been split in half and is being kept together by a substance that looks like teeth
Via anlyin

Get Out Of There

Funny meme that reads, "Me: *Eats popcorn;* The popcorn flake stuck between my teeth: ..." above a photo of a cat stuck between two couch cushions
Via Anlyin

That, And I Magically Start Flossing Again

Funny meme about brushing your teeth more than normal in order to prepare for a dentist appointment toothbrush loaded with toothpaste | you have a dentist appointment
Via MohAki1
Informative Twitter thread about dental healthcare

Twitter Thread About One Guy's Struggles With Healthcare Is Incredibly Eye-Opening

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Such A Sweet Moment

Caption that reads, "'Robert?' 'Yeah?' 'Watcha thinkin' about?'" above a pic of a shark lying next to a guy on a fishing boat
Via PJShpip

Y'all Like The Sprinkler?

Caption that reads, "When I try to dance" above an ad that reads, "Crest - Noticeably White"
Via PolyAnnabelle
stock photo tooth cleaning twitter dentist teeth flossing funny tweets toothpaste dental toothbrush - 7611141

15 Toothy Dentist Memes That Deserve A Plaque

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Well You're Seein' 'Em Now!

Still of Haley Joel Osment and Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense where Haley Joel Osment asks if Bruce Willis wants to see his teeth; Bruce Willis says no, and then it pans to a pic of Haley Joel Osment making a funny face with his teeth out
Via dolphish

He's Back And More Sophisticated Than Ever

Comic about someone losing a tooth named Billy; the other teeth are sad but then Billy grows back as William"
Via aschoobs

He's Teething

Babies baby teeth parenting - 8971815680
Via baby-dentures

Forget Science, This Has Practical Uses

web comics teeth flossing Forget Science, This Has Practical Uses
Via cbc

Kids Ain't Even Ready for the *Teeth Fairy

Via safelyendangered
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