
30 Disturbingly Relatable Memes For Students Struggling to Survive The First Week of School

30 Disturbingly Relatable Memes For Students Struggling to Survive The First Week of School

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Grown Man Expertly Imitates All of the Classic First-Day-of-School Poses, Children Everywhere Are Jealous

Article about a tweet criticizing a teacher for silly reasons.

Nosy Mother Stalks Her Kid's Teacher On Social Media, Gets Roasted

summer, summer vacation, back to school, school, high school, teacher, teaching, teacher life, biology, lessons, end of summer, dread, funny, funny videos, work, back to work

High School Teacher Dreads Going Back to School After Summer Vacation and Makes Funny Videos Instead of Preparing Lessons

A compilation of starter pack memes.

A Silly Selection of Starter Pack Memes

kids, children, school, elementary school, teacher, funny, funny kids, twitter, lol

Elementary School Teacher Asks Kids To Make Confessions & Their Answers Do Not Disappoint

A compilation of memes about teaching and education for teachers.

Hilarious Teacher Memes To Spice Up The Summer Break

An article about a wholesome teacher who wanted to know why her 8th grade math students called he the GOAT.

Teacher Thrilled To Discover Why Her Students Call Her The GOAT

college, college student, death, mourning, excuses, education, professor, twitter

Student Worries About Professor Disbelieving Their Father Dying, Revealing Toxic Culture Around Grief In College

24 Year Old TikToker Shares The Nonsense She Puts Up With As A Young High School Teacher

24 Year Old TikToker Shares The Nonsense She Puts Up With As A Young High School Teacher

Funny GoFundMe to raise money for new shoes for Philly teacher , roasting

Students Roast Teacher With a GoFundMe Campaign For New Shoes

kids, children, teacher, school, things kids say, opinion, mean, funny, tiktok

Teacher Asks Third Graders What They Would Change About Her, Immediately Gets Humbled

professor, teacher, time, clock, watch, grades, math, college, midterm, test, revenge, reddit

Strict Professor Gets Schooled After Chiding Student To Improve Their Grades

Funny dank memes about people who did all the work during group projects in school | Ashley Narine die want people did group projects with lower into ground so they can let down one last time. | get C+ on group project best friend girl randomly selected into group

Group Project Memes For the Students Who Did All the Work

teacher, professor, learning, online learning, twitter, zoom, animal crossing, gaming, cute, cool

Professor Charms The Internet After Editing Himself Into Animal Crossing For Zoom Class

Tweets about things people are still annoyed about that their teachers did growing up | Don't Call Lady @cornmaes Replying justinboldaji 4th grade teacher called front class tell no one going want marry because so annoying being bullied hard- core and she didn't believe told her so she tried convince my mom had schizophrenia and hearing shit

Salty People Talk About the Times They Got Screwed Over In School