

Alright, See You Guys Next Year

Caption that reads, "I socialized this weekend. Me for the next three months: ..." above a pic of a monk standing on a ledge staring off into the mountains
Via LongHairKindaCare

Eh, F*ck It

Caption that reads, "Wrapping Christmas presents: beginning of the roll vs. end of the roll" above a pic of a neatly wrapped present next to a pic of a present wrapped scantily with wrapping paper
Via Lulabel73
twitter kids parenting offspring funny tweets parenting tweets parenthood parenting struggles toddler struggle - 7291397

16 Parenting Tweets That Sum Up The Joys Of Raising A Tiny Human

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Caption that reads, "'How broke are you?' Me: ..." above a pic of a plate of rice shaped like a chicken drumstick next to some ketchup
Via freechocolatechips

Sad And True

Tweet that reads, "'How do you describe college?' I'm teaching myself a class that I'm paying for"
Via Jpa1137

That's Gotta Be It

Blue button meme where the caption reads, "Child: My stomach hurts;" the hand represents 'Moms' and the button represents "It's because of that phone"
Via deirox45

Don't Underestimate My Muscles!!

Pic of a cute baby penguin appearing to flex its muscles under the caption, "When you open the spaghetti sauce jar on your first try"
Via snewthedew
Funny comics about life, owl turd comics

24 Painfully Real Comics About Life

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The Struggle Is Real

Photo of a McDonald's sign shadow over a Planet Fitness
Via katjaKittenCreator


Tweet about 18-21 being a confusing age because of different life stages everyone is in
Via voievodGi

The Struggle Is Real

lazy struggle relatable Memes funny animals - 9145383424

When You're Having A Mental Breakdown But You Just Gotta Power Through

studying struggle relatable stress college exams - 9145383168
funny tweets

15 Funny Tweets That Perfectly Capture the Struggles of Seizing the Day

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Kids These Days Will Never Know About That Multiplayer Struggle

Via vodkaandpowerade

Just Looking!

retail struggle web comics - 8977710336
Created by dvleeuwen2 ( Via )

The Payday Struggle is Real

web comics payday struggle The Payday Struggle is Real
Via thesearecomics