
star wars

Star Wars, history's greatest science fiction series, and a timeless classic with enough Jar Jar quotes to wish you could forget. Enjoy the best puns and jokes from a Galaxy Far Far Away and take your humor interstellar.

That Movie Would Have Been a Lot Different

star wars moon Movie different - 7110953216
Created by Pete1146

I've Always Wondered This...

star wars Movie Death Star - 7116290816
Via Bite

You Were My Only Hope!

star wars raisin face yoda - 7110915072
Created by tuorum

Hutt's Palace Totally Looks Like Winterfell

star wars Game of Thrones TLL - 7083457792
Created by FunkmasterTom

Go Pro Light Saber Battle

star wars gifs light sabers go pro win - 7101780736

Together We Could Rule the Company!

star wars outlook oust darth vader - 7026931456
Created by TBJ1118

True Companions

star wars solo chewy chewbacca brand cup Han Solo cookies - 7101942016

Hooray for Japan

wtf star wars baseball Japan - 7094282752

B*tch Please

jesus star wars virgin - 7077857536
Created by KiwiLess

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

star wars pope facebook Star Trek - 7091742976


crossover star wars highlander obi wan - 7054222336
Created by Daz_Voz

A Very Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away...

r2d2 art star wars - 7083406592
Created by troll_mary ( Via Wytrab8 )

Isn't Jango Dead?

star wars stormtrooper boba fett - 3315710464
Created by Coati7395

Navigator? Nope

star wars movies Pirates of the Caribbean - 7044990976
Created by ConundrumsofGeekiness

The Deathstar Screams of Peace

peace star wars - 3336338944
See all captions Created by GeneralVeers1

This Pistachio Totally Looks Like The Sarlacc

star wars TLL - 7070250240
Created by cmckee