
star wars

Star Wars, history's greatest science fiction series, and a timeless classic with enough Jar Jar quotes to wish you could forget. Enjoy the best puns and jokes from a Galaxy Far Far Away and take your humor interstellar.

Sir I Don't Know What You're Talking About

Star Wars meme where the character is saying, "What about the midnight attack on the cookies?" Under the caption, "My personal trainer trying to explain to me why I haven't lost any weight"
Via PurpulHayz

You Fool

Funny meme featuring luke skywalker, the sacred texts, microwave dinners.
Via Prongled
Funny crossovers nobody asked for

19 Absurd Crossover Memes Nobody Asked For

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You Had One Job

Funny meme about Windows task manager.
Via Know Your Meme
Funny memes, man literally too angry to die.

'Man Literally Too Angry To Die' Memes Are Rage-Filled Fan-Fests

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Funny star wars memes.
Via ty4freedoge
movies famous hannibal celeb funny tweets silence of the lambs funny twitter marvel Willy Wonka star wars snow white thanos luke skywalker family matters seinfeld captain america batman Spider-Man grease the hulk - 6475269

'Explain A Character Badly' Has Twitter Coming Up With Hilarious Descriptions Of Famous Characters

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star wars twitter reacts donald trump twitter reactions space force funny tweets mike pence Republicans conservatives military GOP darth vader politics russia China Vladimir Putin usa today - 6458117

Trump's 'Space Force' Is Officially A Go And The Internet Is Going Bananas

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mistakes in movies | movie_goofs @movie_goofs Star Wars (1977) Factual error After Luke (Mark Hamill) wears a helmet with a blast shield, he's able to defend against a remote with his laser sword. In reality, once his eyes were covered, Luke would not have been able to see as well as before and would have done worse.

These Satirical Movie Eff-Ups Will Infuriate You And Then Make You Laugh

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funny tweets about movies

15 Hilarious Tweets That Succinctly Sum Up Movie Plots

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george lucas disney star wars star wars prequels the force - 5928453

George Lucas's Leaked Original Plans For The Star Wars Sequels Have Fans Feuding

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Mission Not Complete!!

Text conversation asking if someone is mad, they respond with, "I just think it's funny how..."
Via EvanNC
Funny random memes perfect for Wednesday.

29 Amusing Memes To Spice Up Your Wednesday

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the pope pie charts never gonna give you up pie chart memes james blunt pie rick astley pope francis procrastination parenting star wars yoda - 6354181

15 Sarcastic Pie Charts That Are Stupidly Funny

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We've Gone Too Far

Funny meme about palpatine with snapchat filters.
Via @codependentpapi
Funny memes, monday memes, star wars memes, dank memes, random memes.

33 Random Memes That'll Destroy Any Case Of The Mondays

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