
socially awkward

LOL I'm So Random

"The I'm-14-and-no-one-loves-me starter pack" above a pic of a notebook that says "Normal people scare me"
Via ebonyfaery

Stahp It Brain

Caption that reads, "Me trying to fall asleep at night as every awkward thing I've said goes through my mind" above pics of a cat looking distressed
Via lilmisschuckitinthefuckitbucket

You Can't Just *Tell* Them You Hate It

"Hairdresser: Do you like it? Me: Yes, thank you *goes home and cries*
Via Dustyfunk

Pls, We Need To Know

"Does anyone actually know what to do when people are singing happy birthday to you?"
Via Benman85101

Look, We Both Know I'm Gonna Get The Same Thing I Always Get

Onion headline that reads, "Man Forced to Come Up with 45 Seconds of Facial Expressions While Waitress Lists Off Specials"
Via foggymornings

Me At Every Party

Onion headline that reads, "Man trying to enter conversation spends few minutes smiling and nodding at edge of circle"
Via AlloftheUsernamesIWantedWereNotAvailable

Somebody Had To Say It

"Car dudes are the male equivalent to horse girls"
Via anlyin

The Endless Search for the 'In-Between' Is Too Real

Via anemonelost

Well, I Can't Think of the Last Time I Saw You Either

web comics literalism Well, I Can't Think of the Last Time I Saw You Either
Via toonhole

Wait, So What Do I Do With My Hands!

web comics socially awkward Wait, So What Do I Do With My Hands!
Via invisiblebread

How to Fit In

socially awkward web comics How to Fit In
Via drunkencatcomics

Social Cliques

Via Jake Likes Onions

Just Have to Play It Cool

Via Akrokus

Don't Hate What You Don't Know

hate advice socially awkward web comics - 8364043264

Breaking Out of Awkwardness is Hard

Awkward sad but true socially awkward web comics - 8353835776
Via Doodle For Food

He's an Extrovert

funny shopping socially awkward - 8340848128
Via Extra Fabulous