

snack, snacks, food, junk food, surprise, unexpected, funny twitter, twitter thread

Mutant Goldfish Cracker Confounds And Tickles Snack Eaters

Hold up
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dorito, doritos, chips, ebay, auction, money, sale, bidders, omg, wow

Puffed Up Dorito Gets Auctioned On Ebay, Racks Up More Than $70,000 In Bids

At last, A Dorito Hot Pocket.
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Funny, weird and cursed memes, gross food memes, photoshopped food packaging | RIBBED HER PLEASURE 1.49 1.00 265040 501498 1.49 08/21 IPRICE PER LA TOTAL PRICE corn cobs | off work late? hungry, but too tired cook? try 30 40 olives 30 1o olives an easy weeknight dinner eat them directly out jar with fingers will certainly not regret eating 30 40 olives

40 Food Memes Both Funny & Cursed

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Funny memes about Pringles | Teletubbies Pringles CHEDDAR CHEESE Super Stack Potato C Crujeres de pa Potato Crisps Sabor Queso Cheddar 1508 Dia 2A Berukam | Rick and Morty only good chip company doesn't fill half 's container with chips Pringles

Crispy Pringles Memes For Anyone Who's Got The Munchies

But can they finally fix the dang can so it can fit adult hands?
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Choose Your Fighter

Funny meme about sour cream and onion vs salt and vinegar chips
Via Instagram


Funny meme that reads, "The only happy ending" above a photo of a bunch of mostly eaten ice cream cones with chocolate in the bottom
Via madman434

Bruh Do You Even Lift

Funny meme about eating half a pack of Oreos, putting the other half back, and then eating it later | When you eat half a pack of Oreos, put them back, then come back in 5 minutes to eat the other half instead of just eating the whole package all at once fitness isn't just a hobby, it's a lifestyle
Via TheBloodyLady

Get Out Of There

Funny meme that reads, "Me: *Eats popcorn;* The popcorn flake stuck between my teeth: ..." above a photo of a cat stuck between two couch cushions
Via Anlyin
Funny dank memes about pizza rolls made in the oven vs. them made in the microwave | pizza rolls microwave pizza rolls toaster oven drakeposting | meme man stonks make pizza rolls with oven instead microwave shef

Memes For Sophisticated People Who Cook Their Pizza Rolls In The Oven

Everyone knows oven-baked is better.
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Funny twitter thread about Doritos name origin, dark humor, chuck wendig | Chuck Wendig O @ChuckWendig like and any other human, has definitely enjoyed ZESTY NACHO TANG Doritos corn chips time time, as well as their alternate flavors like Cool Ranch, Sweet Chili, Spicy Meatball, Hot Tire, and Fresh-Cut Grass. But then thought, where did name come 8:57 AM 3/27/20 Twitter Web Client | asked my dogs and my son and all quarantine but all came consensus s probably doradito, or "golden brown but dogs

Funny Thread Suggests The Dorito Name Is Some Dark Magic Crap

The more you know.
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Funny dank memes about chicken nuggets, or "chiccy nuggies" | Steven Crowder at a desk meme: "Boneless wings" are adult chicken nuggets CHANGE MY MIND. X-men meme Magneto asking Mystique to show him the real her but instead it's all different types of food: 9 year olds prefer real food said real food. Perfection.

Sixteen Chicken Nugget Memes In Honor Of The Internet's Favorite Food

Chicky nuggies!!!
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Can I Have *One* Please

Funny meme with two cute dogs depicting a girlfriend who said that she's not hungry eating all of her boyfriend's french fries
Via evilkhajiit

But He's Just So Hungry

Funny meme that reads, "*Hears someone opening a packet of crisps in the seat behind*" above photos of a golden retriever poking his head between two public transit seats
Via anlyin

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Funny meme that reads, "I'm an adult, and I can eat whatever I want whenever I want, and I wish someone would take this power away from me"
Via RachaelDanger
Funny memes and tweets from the Slim Jim Instagram account | Person - B slimjim ALIEN GANG Jim after airdropping long boi memes about clapping thicc alien cheeks everyone on line at gas station Liked by tindervsreality and 44,418 others slimjim making difference SOON View all 816 comments dr doofnsmurtz Is this actual slim Jim page or meme acC slimjim @dr_doofns_nigga yes 6 days ago

'Slim Jim' Is Winning The Internet With Its Impeccable Instagram Game

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It's BS

Funny Hot Pockets meme about how women's jeans often have no pockets
Via jpro21