
smash mouth

internet news, news, social media, internet, tinder, date, tabis, stolen, thief, fashion, new york, smash mouth, all star, shrek, steve harwell, burning man, festival, disaster, weather, wtf, reaction, aella, boyfriend, apology, relationships

Weekly Internet Roundup: Negging Boyfriends, Burning Man Chaos, and the Legacy of Smash Mouth

Plus, the rundown on the Tinder date Tabi thief.
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memes, funny, funny memes, steve harwell, smash mouth, all star, shrek, shrek memes, rip, rock, band, music, music memes

20 Smash Mouth Memes for All Star Memers Who Want to Pay Tribute to Steve Harwell

The years start coming and they don't stop coming
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smash mouth, steve harwell, cancelled, funny, tiktok, videos, concert, all star, memes, chaos, cringe

Smash Mouth Retires After TikToker Accidentally Cancels Steve Harwell With Insane Concert Video

He ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
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Funny memes about Shrek | COULD STOP TRYING KILL US 2020 FIVE MINUTES Shrek with red glowing eyes | accidentally open front-facing camera zoomed in photo of Shrek's face

Fifteen Dank Shrek Memes Full Of Love And Life

SomeBODY once told me...
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Funny tweets about Aramaic translation of Smash Mouth's All Star.

Dude Translates Smash Mouth's 'All-Star' Into Aramaic & Back, Twitter Flips TF Out

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funny shrek memes

17 Shrek Memes That'll Make Your Brain Smart But Your Head Dumb

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Hey Now

Caption that reads, "Nobody: ...; Somebody: ..." above a pic of Steve Harwell from Smash Mouth in the 'All Star' video
Via HiImBillGate
funny memes

14 All-Star Smash Mouth Memes That'll Have You Walkin' On The Sun

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'...BODY Once Told Me'

Caption that reads, "Math teacher says 'sum;' Me: ..." above a pic of the kid with veins popping out of his neck sitting in class and Smash Mouth photoshopped into his brain
Via chimrichaldsphd

They Were So Wise

Tweet that reads, "Damn, Smash Mouth was right. The years start coming and they really don't stop coming"
Via anlyin

Somebody's Gonna Pay For This

Tumblr post that reads, "Somebody once told me the world was gonna ... end on December 21st, 2012. I bought all this f*cking pasta as a way to celebrate the end of the world and now I'm $10,000 in debt and I have pasta everywhere in my house ... I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed"
Via thedailydump
Lol Worthy Memes

35 Lol-Worthy Memes That'll Get The Laughs Goin'

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Hey Now...

Caption reads, "Somebody once told me..." above a fake headline about a pasta bandit that sounds similar to the lyrics of "All Star" by Smash Mouth
Via AdmiralShady

40 Amusing Memes That'll Kick Boredom's Butt

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smash mouth memes

15 Smash Mouth Memes That'll Get You Totally Shrekt

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guy fieri memes

15 Guy Fieri Memes That'll Ship You Right Over To Flavortown

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