
family family-drama families stepmother stepmom mom mother moms parent parents parenting widow dad daughters dads fatherhood crazy rich money wealth inheritance pay

'Now the girls want my number': Stepdaughters in their 20s change their tune about Dad's long-term girlfriend after finding out she's secretly a millionaire, backpedaling immature behavior to money-grub for themselves

‘I warned her that science was catching up with her lies,  She called me heartless and a monster and hung up’: DNA test reveals sister’s long-held secret about her sons, resulting in a family division as the kids' aunt refuses to apologize and play along

‘I warned her that science was catching up with her lies, She called me heartless and a monster and hung up’: DNA test reveals sister’s long-held secret about her sons, resulting in a family division as the kids' aunt refuses to apologize and play along

‘We were made to live in an unfinished house he promised hed fix up for us. Then came the lording that we better respect him or hed take the house away’: Rich in-laws “gift” a house just to constantly threaten to take it away while exploiting for repairs

‘We were made to live in an unfinished house he promised hed fix up for us. Then came the lording that we better respect him or hed take the house away’: Rich in-laws “gift” a house just to constantly threaten to take it away while exploiting for repairs

 siblings sibling rivalry sibling sibling memes brother sister family family feud money money problems Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH rent free

26-year-old man lets brother's girlfriend crash with him rent free while she sorts through family issues, kicks her out when she takes over his office: 'I can't even relax in my own place anymore'

Rich parents shun daughter while showering her ex-husband with support: ‘They called me a failure. said I was a loser during the worst period of my life’

Rich parents shun daughter while showering her ex-husband with support: ‘They called me a failure. said I was a loser during the worst period of my life’

‘She snapped at me that it's HER HOME and there's no reason why she should tell me that she's paying the bills’: Sister living in jointly inherited home refuses to prove paying taxes and insurance, pushing co-owning sister to rethink arrangement

‘She snapped at me that it's HER HOME and there's no reason why she should tell me that she's paying the bills’: Sister living in jointly inherited home refuses to prove paying taxes and insurance, pushing co-owning sister to rethink arrangement

family, no contact, sister, half sister, affair, mom, dad, stepdad, aita, reddit, reddit thread, children

24-year-old refuses to take in 7-year-old half-sister fathered by late mom's affair partner, extended family protests: 'I just don't want to'

In-laws crash couple’s honeymoon and ruin their plans for solitude with an uninvited family vacation: ‘I've demanded my fiance make them change their plans,’

In-laws crash couple’s honeymoon and ruin their plans for solitude with an uninvited family vacation: ‘I've demanded my fiance make them change their plans,’

‘It’s extremely weird because well.. that's my name. She never responds when I say “Mom”: ’Mother adopts the same name as her daughter, who insists on calling her by her original name

‘It’s extremely weird because well.. that's my name. She never responds when I say “Mom”: ’Mother adopts the same name as her daughter, who insists on calling her by her original name

toddler, mother, sisters, abandoned, bad parenting, bad parents, parenting, dad, little kids, sister, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Father, custody, Parenting FAILS

21-year-old gets full custody of her 6-month-old sister after parents abandon her, parents come back 3 years later demanding her back: 'My parents did the same with me, giving me to my grandmother till I was 5'

‘I feel like she humiliated me on social media’: Mother-in-law hijacks new mom’s heartfelt moment to declare grandmother supremacy, leaving the young mom sidelined and overshadowed

‘I feel like she humiliated me on social media’: Mother-in-law hijacks new mom’s heartfelt moment to declare grandmother supremacy, leaving the young mom sidelined and overshadowed

‘That’s when I snapped, maybe they would have left him something if he bothered to visit them once in a while’: Careless brother demands his caretaking brother hand over inherited grandparents' house

‘That’s when I snapped, maybe they would have left him something if he bothered to visit them once in a while’: Careless brother demands his caretaking brother hand over inherited grandparents' house

college college-fund fund money inheritance pay grandparents parents child kid teen university professor teenager bad-parenting wedding pay brother brothers siblings sibling golden-child

Parents try to steal from their 18-year-old's college fund to pay for the Golden Child's wedding, then the college freshman refuses: 'That money [is] for my education'

Future father-in-law skips son’s wedding rehearsal dinner, despite paying for it, choosing to stay home and leaving the bride and groom musing: ‘[He] is allowed to not want to come for whatever reason. We are allowed to be disappointed’

Future father-in-law skips son’s wedding rehearsal dinner despite paying for it, choosing to stay home and leaving the bride and groom musing: ‘[He] is allowed to not want to come for whatever reason. We are allowed to be disappointed’

“I never interacted with his precious little family. don't care about them and don't feel any sense of obligation to pretend they're my family’: 19-year-old son refuses estranged father’s $40,000 request for medical treatment after years of zero contact

'I never interacted with his precious little family. don't care about them and don't feel any sense of obligation to pretend they're my family’: 19-year-old son refuses estranged father’s $40,000 request for medical treatment after years of zero contact

Babies, family drama, baby, baby names, pregnancy, mother, sisters, siblings, names, family, pregnant, sibling, sister, Reddit, mom, name, parents

30-year-old mom insists that her pregnant sister should name her daughter Charlotte because she named her baby George, refuses to take no for an answer: 'She's obsessed with all things Bridgerton so that's where her inspiration comes from'