


Funny meme about women at sephora
Via @memebase
Funny pics from bros being basic.

32 Ugg-Loving Gems From 'Bros Being Basic'

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Caption that reads, "When your mom said she'll be back soon but you're next at the cash register" above a pic of a guy sweating and looking nervous
Via roaduardo

Holy Shizz

Caption that reads, "This is exactly what we need in life" above a pic of a store that has two different-colored shopping baskets that indicate whether you want help out or not
Via chimrichaldsphd


Caption that reads, "I went to the grocery store and they now have a parking spot for fat guys that like to grill. That's so considerate" below a pic of a drawing on a parking spot supposedly of a pregnant woman and a stroller
Via Wichelmich
cover image funny Walmart memes

14 Walmart Memes In Honor Of America's Biggest Goldmine Of Trash

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Funny shopping fails.

19 Online Shopping Fails That Were Probably Worth It For The Laughs

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Aww, You Shouldn't Have!

Caption that reads, "When you get them something you really wanted for yourself" above a pic of nicolas Cage surprising a woman with the Declaration of Independence
Via Jonesy9109


Funny meme about high school, running away from people from high school.
Via bestmemesperiod


Caption that reads, "'Would you like to donate $1 to help the poor?' Me: 'Lol there is a 90% chance this card is gonna get declined. I am the poor'" above a stock photo of a cashier taking a card from a customer
Via SupaJon

Dammit Grant

Pic of a bunch of fries for sale at a grocery store with a sign above that reads, "Grant ordered too many fries sale"
Via CanWeStopTalkingNow


Pic of someone holding a 'Walmart associate choir' with a tweet that reads, "Omg this explains why there is only three lanes open because they're in the back working on their next album"
Via Thesavagevixen

Thanos, Where Ya At?

Funny meme ABOUT shopping at walmart when people get paid, too crowded.
Via bestmemesperiod

Chad Kroeger Is Happy

Panel meme of a woman shopping for something that costs 45 cents; the next image shows an unhappy 50 Cent, and the subsequent one shows Chad Kroeger giving a thumbs up
Via bogie41
Memes about being broke, not having any money, being poor.

23 Memes All Broke People Will Relate To

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What Trickery Is This

Funny meme about how there are never people at the cash registers when you are shopping.
Via feminist-slayer