

That Expression Is Spot On

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Worst Mistake Ever

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It Would Take Some Sort of Master Detective

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The Future of Catching Them All

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The Teasing He Went Through Made Him a Monster

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Via Inanna Nakano

Feel the Shame

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The Terrible, Terrible Nights of Shame

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How to Look Awesome in Front of Your Shameful Anime

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Such Incredible Shame

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Created by Jim Putsmin

We Have All Done This and We Should All Feel Ashamed

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For Guys That Always Arrive Early

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Via Noah Blowingless

Dirty American Secrets

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Even Packages Try to Shame You

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The Shame of Victory

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Bad Translator CAN Translate Correctly

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Created by Zexious

That's How I Deal With My Problems

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Created by maximilian.landshammer