

Ever heard that men think about every 7 seconds, or 8,000 times a day! Well that's false. Men actually think about sex 19 times a day and women 10 according to current research/ Sex is something that binds us, penetrates us.... wait what? Anyways, Sex and sex memes, gifs, and everything to do with sex is all you'll find here and much more.

Funny collection of memes about Game of Thrones, TV, HBO, food, french fries, weed, marijuana, Pokemon, dogs, cats, pets, animals, sex, dating, life, work.

Morning Meme Dump: 31 Funny Memes To Brighten Your Day

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Awesome and random but funny memes about Obama, school, sex, rain, Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, wildlings, relationships, dating, jobs, job interviews, food, exams.

25 Funny Memes To Keep You Entertained

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Random funny memes to forget that tomorrow is monday, food, dating, relationships, sex, friends, love.

39 Memes To Help You Forget Tomorrow

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Collection of funny memes where woman things boyfriend is thinking about other girls, but the meme reveals his innocent thoughts.

These Memes Reveal What He's REALLY Thinking About When You're Together

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Relatable Content

Funny meme about snake that overslept and missed chance to mate.
Via rubeus.dabrig
Collection of funny memes about dating, relationships, sex, summer, movies, hobbies, insecurities, food, fast food, donald trump, hot pockets, junk food, spongebob, school.

Give Yourself A Break With These 41 Hilarious Memes

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The Potato Industry Is Getting So Creative

Funny meme about tater thots, a fake potato product.
Via adam.the.creator


Funny meme about Grey Worm and Missandei having sex in Game Of Thrones, photo of two pairs of scissors because grey worm has no penis.
Via drgrayfang
Funny web comic about relationships and nerdy stuff like video games from Enzo Comics, called Cheer up emo kid.

50 Funny & Relatable Comics From Cheer Up, Emo Kid

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Offensive yet funny and dank and spicy memes about sex, drugs, Bill Cosby, Stefan Karl Stefansson, Minecraft, history, dabbing, neckbeards, garfield, jake paul, nudes, nets, pornhub, porn, donald trump, jesus, donkey kong, jimmy neutron, kylie jenner.

Dank Meme Roundup: 14 Super Spicy Memes

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Collection of random funny memes about life, memes, dating, friendship comic con, the office, pizza, chicago, kylie jenner, showers, nicolas cage, boxing, animals, african animals, sex, video games, the justice league, cars, relationships.

24 Funny Memes To Cure Your Case Of The Mondays

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Collection of random funny memes about Vin Diesel, OJ Simpson, food, phones, apple, flat earth, drinking, law and order, dating, sex, relationships, school, alcohol.

30 Random Memes To Inject Some Humor Into Your Day

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Collection of random memes

Take A Well-Deserved Break With These 23 Random Memes And Comics

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Dank and spicy meme roundup featuring sex, nintendo, gender, donkey kong, furries, donald trump, drug, putin, cnn,

Dank Meme Roundup: 16 Super Spicy Memes

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List regarding teen's summer 2017 bucket list and twitter reactions.

Mystery Teen's Summer Bucket List Will Take You Back

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Collection of funny memes about Donald Trump, Game of Thrones, Kardashians, Ariana Grande, dating, relationships, friendship, childhood, drinking, work, boobs, cartoons, tv, HBO.

29 Random Memes To Turn Your Terrible Tuesday Around

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