

canada, russia, americans, danger, australia, travelling, iraq, north korea, madagascar, america, ukraine, Travel, traveling, american, safety, iran, dangerous

People Discuss The Most Risky Places For Americans to Travel

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the idea of traveling to North Korea. This was obviously before the case of Otto Warmbier, whose death led to the ban on Americans traveling to the country. This was more in the era of The Interview and the widespread fear of Seth Rogan leading to nuclear war. There were so many VICE documentaries that explained North Korean culture, and I watched all of them. I logically knew that traveling to North Korea was not the brightest idea, but I was 14 years old…
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Funny memes, history memes, humor

History Memes For People Who Don't Want to Crack Any Books

You don't have to crack open a textbook or a non-fiction account of some historical event to indulge in a little history. Right now, it's perfectly understandable that any of us would want to escape the present with a little trip to the past. But what if we told you that the journey through time could be one that is humorous in nature? I know, we're blowing your minds right now. But it's true. All you have to do to enjoy some historical teachings and humor is scroll through some history memes .…
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A Reddit story about a native russian speaker who gets rejected from a job for being "insufficient" in the language.

Russian Interviewee Gets Told Their Russian is "Insufficient" by Job Interviewer Who Couldn't Speak the Language

As someone who took at least five linguistics classes in college, you might call me a language expert. And as such, it's my duty to share a few undeniable truths about language learning that many people do not know. Did you know that if you're a native speaker of a language, congratulations, you are an expert in that language? It doesn't matter if you can't explain the exact reason for conjugations or word order. If you've spoken a language since birth, you will automatically know when somethin…
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Funny random memes and tweets, gas prices, lol

A Mess of Fresh Memes and Some That Aged Like Fine Wine

Greetings, internet traveler. You're…still here. In front of that screen. Weird. So am I. It's been a long day of staring at this light, typing away, trying to make this rickety brain do things that will make me a little bit of money. And yet, when the clock hits six pm, I can't help but remain in the hideous, depression-inspiring glow that makes time move more slowly and more quickly at the same exact time. Our relationship with our screens is almost like a toxic relationship - you keep gettin…
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Funny random meme and tweets

A Modest Selection of Semi-Fresh Memes

The never-ending winter, the never-ending pandemic, and (mostly) working from our tiny, expensive homes have really taken our laziness and lack of focus up a notch. Nothing sounds less appealing than walking to the grocery store. Going into that fluorescent-lit hell hole means having to talk to people. And it means leaving the house. Which is simply unacceptable and certainly undesirable. That's when we open the Instacart app and pay someone else to do it for us. Washing clothes in the dingey,…
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AnnaLynne McCord, influencer, celebrity twitter, cringe, putin, russia, ukraine, wtf, facepalm, roast, russia, memes, twitter memes

Actress Recites Bizarre Poem to Putin in Mortifying Video, Gets Brutally Roasted

In times of crisis, cringe is inevitable, it seems. Especially on Twitter. Remember back in 2020 when Gal Gadot and a bunch of other Hollywood stars sang John Lennon's “Imagine” in one of the most impressive displays of cringe the internet had ever seen? Well it seems that influencers and celebs haven't learned a thing from that atrocity. They just can't help themselves. This week's Main Character is actor Dear Mister President Vladimir Putin… — AnnaLynne McCord (@IAM…
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Giant Sexy Shrek is Being Found All Over the World Thanks to a viral TikTok trend

Giant Sexy Shrek is Being Found All Over the World Thanks to TikTok

A giant sexy Shrek in stilettos and a black sleek leather jumpsuit is taking over the skies in places all over the world—a true jet-setting material swamp girl.
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ukraine, russia, vladimir putin, united states, war, ukraine memes, history memes, world war 3, cold war, war memes, news, international politics

Ukraine-Russia Conflict Memes for People Who Prefer to Laugh In the Midst of Crisis

What do we do in times of international crisis, impending doom, and possibly the threat of world war? Meme about it of course! If you haven't heard, there's trouble brewing (once again) in Eastern Europe as Russia gears up to "perform peacekeeping functions" in the separatist republics of eastern Ukraine . Plebs like us are mostly just confused, but that doesn't mean we can't make dumb jokes and memes about an international crisis whose complex history dates back to the Cold War. If you feel to…
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Thirst Traps Flood the Comment Section of Putin Instagrams

"Vladdy Daddy Stop War Plz": Gen Z Is Trolling Vladimir Putin On Instagram With Thirst Comments

Is this a new form of protest?
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Ukraine postss anti-russia meme

Ukraine Posts Anti-Russia Meme Amid Tension, the Internet Gleefully Joins the Fun

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Cool interview about Stoned Fox meme, Know Your Meme, Adele, taxidermy, russia

How 'Stoned Fox' Went From Viral Meme To Russian Fugitive

Back in 2012, London-based artist and taxidermist Adele Morse received a fox that met its end in a bear trap, left to fade away into the forest floor before it was packed in a box and shipped to her door. Giving it a new take on life, Morse decided to use the fox while honing her craft but found its mangled carcass less than ideal and troublesome to work with. Nevertheless, she did come up with something, although even she admitted it was a face only a mother could love, and thus the Stoned Fox…
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fail pics | Certificate of Obedience Training dog lying down surrounded by shreds of a doggy school diploma | Man with 'DEVAST8' face tattoo says he can't find work MSN UK 2 hours ago young man with tattoo on his face reading DEVAST8' has said he is having difficulty finding work after being released prison

Disgruntled People Who Are Probably Having A Worse Day Than You

It can always get worse
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Funny russian dating pics | scary man holding a stuffed teddy bear and a knife | skinny woman holding a white rose and a hatchet

27 Cringey & Bizarre Russian Dating Pics

Points for originality?
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funny tweets, twitter, social media, weird news, current events, 2020, memes | hail the sausage king man opening coat to reveal many sausages | Mmmm Cupcakes @NotMaryJoLisa Replying to @BBCWorld This has some strong Game of Thrones meets Ferris Beuller undertones. PCR RitesGood @pcrritesgood "The most ambitious crossover event in history!

Russian Oligarch Known As 'Sausage King' Murdered With Crossbow In Sauna

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Funny dank memes about Russia, Russian people | Corporate needs find differences between this picture and this picture An idiot They're same picture. pam from the office. Top 10 Most Powerful Anime Characters All Time

Dank Russian Memes You'll Tank Us For Later

Where the Eastern Europeans at?
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Funny memes about Eastern Europe | news report Catholic priest blesses newly opened McDonald's restaurant Polish town Naklo nad Noteci ceremony attended by deputy mayor and district administrator. Bulgaria Bulgarian history books. Bulgaria any other history book.

Twenty-Seven Eastern European Memes And Pics To Czech Out

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