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26-year-old woman asks out her 'never been kissed' male friend after weeks of him complaining about being single, rejects her and makes fun of her with his male friends: 'I have found him cute for months yet he thinks he's ugly'

It can happen to anyone
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'He's below average and didn't deserve it': College Applicant Gets Rejected From Cornell With 4.6 GPA, Sparks Debate About Entitled Students

That SAT score though
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The internet shares all the ridiculous reasons that they have been turned down by an employer for a job

25+ Hilariously Odd Reasons Why Job Applicants Were Rejected

We didn't want the job anyways
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Linkedin Loser Gets Rejected in Public After Corporate-Stalking a Woman, Hilarity Ensues in the Comments

What ever happened to just asking for a girl's number?
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He's Still Out There Climbing

Text conversation where the guy asks the girl if she's single, and the girl responds with a picture of a guy climbing to symbolize that he's 'climbing out of the friendzone'
Via Ryder2800
Nice Guy Moments

17 Nice Guy Moments That'll Have You Crying Into Your Fedora

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That Wasn't Me, I Swear

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Via Serpentfear


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Peace Out

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No, You Cannot Have My Number

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I'd Rather Not, Thanks

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Girl Doesn't Realize Who She's Grinding on Until It's Too Late

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Forever in Le Friendzone

friendzone relationships rejected dating - 8404457728

You Tried


Nice Try Though

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Get to Know the Real Me!

forever alone facebook rejected dating - 8388012032
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