

Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

That's Dark

image puns metal That's Dark
Via j4ckme

Would You Say it Really...BUGS You?

web comics puns lightening bugs Would You Say it Really...BUGS You?
Via Nate Fakes

Prank or Honest Mistake? This Person Ordered A "Coffee and Baileys" and This Is What They Got

image trolling puns Prank or Honest Mistake? This Person Ordered A "Coffee and Baileys" and This Is What They Got
Via Rios93

It's All Pun and Games Until Both Birds Go Hungry

funny facebook puns BBC headline

It's Just Not a Good Fit

web comics puzzle puns It's Just Not a Good Fit
Via ahammaday

Scientific Method

ants dad jokes puns - 8975157760
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

This is Your Pun-ishment

web comics puns snail This is Your Pun-ishment
Via imitationlobster

Careful, This Pokemon Is Fierce

image puns pokemon Careful, This Pokemon Is Fierce
Via thomeography

Dad Jokes Don't Just Hurt You, They Hurt Those Around You

web comics dad jokes puns Dad Jokes Don't Just Hurt You, They Hurt Those Around You
Via theunderfold

What Do You Mean, You Killed!

web comics puns murder What Do You Mean, You Killed!
Via doodleforfood


pun web comics whale
Via ahammaday
parody puns sexy times Video - 82470657

Next Time You're Waiting For an Uber with a Hookup, Try Some Dirt Talk Puns (Or Not it's Kind of Creepy)

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Me and Your Daughter Got a Special Thing Going On

web comics puns music Me and Your Daughter Got a Special Thing Going On
Via illustrated-internet

You've Got to Be Kitten Me

image cats puns You've Got to Be Kitten Me
Via thebootydiaries

She's in a Better Place

image moms puns She's in a Better Place
Via twiceasmuchfire

We'll Put It In Our Sundae Edition

image scoop puns We'll Put It In Our Sundae Edition
Via Jogger312

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