

Funny 'are you in the right headspace' twitter meme

'Are You In The Right Headspace' Memes Parody Another Insensitive Text Template

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Funny and relatable memes about working in a psychiatric ward

Relatable Memes For Those Who've Worked In A Psychiatric Ward

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Funny memes, random memes, the office, cats.

30 Funky Memes That'll Keep You Feelin' Fresh

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psychology memes

14 Psychology Memes That'll Give You A Bout Of Freud Rage

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Funny meme with stevie nicks about keeping visions to yourself, therapist.
Via @memebase

It's Terrifying!

Caption that reads, "Why can't I punch hard in my dreams" above a pic of a character from King of the Hill looking frazzled
Via meowmeowmix

Well This Is Awkward

Tweet where a therapist asks their patient if they blame themselves for their parents' divorce, patient says 'not really' and the therapist says that they actually probably should
Via gregger88
Collection of comics from Garfield Minus Garfield, a comic strip that removes the cat from the comic revealing Jon's damaged psyche and existential crisis.

Welcome To The Dark And Depressing World Of Garfield Minus Garfield

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Drop Out

When you double major in psychology and reverse psychology and they cancel each other out so you learn nothing. Image of frustrated man with books.
Via Internet Tourist Guide II

You're Hired

Man is in job interview, interviewer asks why he should be hired as a reverse psychologist. The interviewee replies "you shouldn't."
Via @BadJokeBen

Plus Later You Can Use What You Learned to Make Mistakes with Your Own Kids

image psychology infographic Plus Later You Can Use What You Learned to Make Mistakes with Your Own Kids
Via theshortbusrider

Even Though You Most Certainly Did Do It

web comics anxiety psychology Even Though You Most Certainly Did Do It
Via anemonelost

It's Hard to Be a Block

web comics tetris psychology It's Hard to Be a Block
Via barelyamusing

His Ability to Concentrate is Off the Charts!

web comics psychology His Ability to Concentrate is Off the Charts!
Via itsthetie

What Happens When You Let the Voices in Your Head Speak

Via Tubey Toons

Twenty Questions With a Psychologist

question doctors psychology web comics - 8348955136
Via Buttersafe