
Article Clarifying Details Regarding Two Dead Mom's Ashes in River Stories

Woman Allegedly Dumps Her Ex-Boyfriend's Mother's Ashes into River in Viral Tik Tok

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Recruiter Schedules Interview With Employer Who Fired Him, Live-Tweeting Ensues

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Student Gets Ready For Internship Interview, Realizes He’s Been Pranked By Roommates

Woman Hilariously Stresses Out All Her Male Coworkers After Jokingly Demanding a Prize for International Woman's Day

Woman Hilariously Stresses Out All Her Male Coworkers After Jokingly Demanding a Prize for International Woman's Day

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Trickster Parent Epically Pranks Kids Playing Ouija, Triggering Mixed Reactions

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Wily Tenant Tries To Prank Landlord, Probably Ends Up Messing With Sanitation Workers

Peter McIndoe of Birds Aren't Real Trolls WGN Morning News

'Birds Aren't Real' Founder Trolls Chicago's WGN Morning News

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Woman Puts Out Christmas Wreath, Neighbor Copies Her Literally

Funny supercut of man trolling his girlfriend over her gag reflex

Dude's Incessant Trolling of GF's Gag Reflex Made Them TikTok Legends

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Deathbed Prank Idea Sparks Funny Reactions & Memes

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Starbucks Drive Thru Prank Sparks Joyful Thread On All The Best Uses Of Googly Eyes

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Dad Pulls Off The Ultimate Prank After Catching Son Sneaking Out

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Funny Unexpected Moments That Deserve Appreciation

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The Surreal Saga Of 'Darla,' The Fake Anti-Union Amazon Warrior

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Fake Rumor Of Elon Musk's Death Sparks Spicy Twitter Memes

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Twenty Wrong Number Texts Packed With Unintentional Humor