

Funny dank memes entitled, "Fitness is My Passion" chubby child lounging outside a pool at a vacation resort and his smirking face superimposed into the same photo |  cut cake half, thus making half calories, so can eat twice as much. FITNESS IS MY PASSION Steps So far taking more steps than normally do. Average 8 steps Today 10 steps Fitness is my passion

Sixteen Sarcastic Memes For Those With A 'Passion' For Fitness

Memes for the sedentary.
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Funny memes, summer memes, beach body, working out, winter weight.

24 Hot Summer Memes For Every Kind Of Beach Body

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This Bad Boy Can Fit So Many F*cking Car Salesmen In It

"Slaps Roof of Car" meme where the car salesman and the customer are in a kiddie pool, with text that reads, "*splash splash* haha"
Via rannek

We All Knew This Kid

Caption that reads, "That one loser who has to hold his nose when he jumps in the pool" above a stock photo of a kid holding his nose while jumping in the pool
Via SirBobert

Help Me

Funny mem eabout when you see a leaf in the pool and are scared.
Via highfiveexpert

So Brave

Funny meme comparing person "fishing" in a pool to the television show the deadliest catch.
Via funnieronline

You're Doing It Wrong

Funny meme about skipping the game tutorial, someone is trying to play pool but instead of a cue ball it's an air hockey striker.
Via lutal08

Get the Black One in First

Man using chalk on cue meme - when people pretend like they know what they are doing.
Via Dank Memes Gang

Scheduling Conflicts, You Knpw

wtf pool - 8997430016
Via onlytwitterpics

They Don't Even Bother Putting a Sign Up

pool bathroom image - 8989041408
Via dutchster

Careful, He's Actually a Shark

barney pool image - 8983730688
Via tastefullyoffensive
jokes pool Video - 80044545

It's About That Time of Year Again When People Start Bugging You to Get in the Pool

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You Should've Brought Some Floaties

web comics pool metaphor You Should've Brought Some Floaties
Via webtoons
kids vine swimming pool swimming pool - 76060673

This Swim Instructor is Fantastic at Nearly Drowning Kids

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chicken pool funny Video - 75888129

Man is Astounded to Find That Chickens Float, Chicken Just Wants to Finally Get to Relax in the Pool

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This Gets Funnier the Longer You Stare at It

funny memes falling off an inflatable swan