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'Meanwhile the kid is still screaming': Entitled mom demands a plane passenger scooch over for her family of 4 despite crowding the aisle with her two young kids under 4-years-old

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Mom of a 4-month-old bans her mother-in-law from taking care of the baby unattended after she puts sugary cereal in her son's bottle: 'She called me controlling, a helicopter parent, a bad parent, etc.'

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Woman charges sister and three kids $50 a night plus $100 cleaning fee to stay in her house for Christmas in response to their messy behavior: 'Just say no'

The 25 Best Parenting Memes for Witty Moms and Dads Parenting the Best They Can This Week (December 7, 2024)

The 25 Best Parenting Memes for Witty Moms and Dads Parenting the Best They Can This Week (December 7, 2024)

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'Y'all were both kind of delusional': Man asks his fiancé to re-home her dog after he moves in with 9-year-old daughter who's allergic, she refuses

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'She is distraught': Mom takes away her 13-year-old daughter's middle school graduation trip because she didn't clean her room, texted her ex-boyfriend, and hung out with her friend too long at a school event

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25+ of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (December 5, 2024)

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Napping mom leaves 7-year-old son at school 90 minutes after dismissal, gets offended when sister picks him up and calls her out: 'She accused me of overreacting'

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Father Calls Out School After 12-Year-Old Sons Sells Over 200 Fundraiser Items for Prizes, Gets $15 Gift Card: 'He should be compensated or I will cancel the orders'

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The Most Entertaining Parenting Texts of the Week (December 3, 2024)

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Thanksgiving guest sends a bill to his daughter-in-law who hosted dinner, claiming he spent more money on supplies, she adamantly refuses: ‘His father DIDN'T host!'

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The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (December 2, 2024)

Woman puts overbearing mother and aunt on a "Schoolwide ‘Intervention Watch’ List" after they pull her 8-year-old daughter's out of ‘unladylike’ classes and sneakily modify her diet

Woman puts overbearing mother and aunt on a "Schoolwide ‘Intervention Watch’ List" after they sneakily pull her 8-year-old daughter out of ‘unladylike’ classes and modify her diet

kids, parenting, babysitting, dad, mom, husband, wife, relationships, reddit, reddit thread

Dad of 2-year-old and 1-year-old babysits while wife is at work, complains he's 'more of a mom' than her: 'he's not being mom, he's being a parent'

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Woman refuses to bankroll her mother-in-law's lifestyle, denying her husband's promise of $4,000 per year: 'They were extremely irresponsible with their $'

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'If she didn’t care, why should I?': Mom ditches her 8-year-old bioson for her 'new family,' then gripes years later when he refuses to invite her to his wedding