

landlord, renting, house, painting, redecorating, revenge, malicious compliance, reddit, eviction

Seething Tenants Get Satisfying Revenge On Landlord Trying To Unfairly Evict Them

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Funny times people were roasted to a crisp, roasts, comebacks, clever comebacks, funny comments, reddit | r/AskReddit is an actual sub serious flat earthers? Posted by u 50m Discussion Share Vote 21 BEST COMMENTS 50m r/mentalillness Reply 1 Vote | 's address spendin night 5720 SW 21st St Are playin? dats Helping Hands Humane Society yeah know. they take strays don't Delivered reddit Posted r/FemaleDatingStrategy by u/eng2fly

Sassy & Spicy Times People Were Destroyed By Words

Some of these HURT.
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art, gallery, classical art, renaissance, lol, relatable, painting

Exquisite Art Memes For The Aesthetically Inclined

Art gallery, but make it relatable.
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Funny classical art memes | Perhaps Judas's biggest crime never understanding personal space | Time traveller year is 2020 Time traveller- Oh 1st year quarantine classicaldamn

Fifteen Classical Art Memes For The Cultured Soul

Behold! Art!
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Funny meme about dad whose son is afraid of the lions in lion king, paints himself punching the lion | My son was having nightmares after watchin The Lion King so I painted him a portrait of me absolutely STARCHING the evil lion
Via @memebase

None Of That Filth

Funny meme that reads, "'No tattoos thanks, my body is a temple;' Temples:" above a photo of the murals in the Sistine Chapel
Via H0unds0fl0ve


Funny classical art meme with caption that reads, "Queen: come to bed; King: not until I have a name for my soldiers; Queen: k night; King: babe ur a genius"
Via LifeConfessionguy1
Funny memes about classical art | drunk friends try look sober while negotiate with bouncer Jesus and followers | My cat at 2 AM deciding thank caring about him Kafz Should piss his slippers or shit on is keyboard? weird medieval cat

Fifteen Classical Art Memes For Highly Cultured People

For the sophisticated.
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Funny cat memes made out of medieval paintings | wake up everyday expecting see humans gone work but they still quarantine | cats middle ages: diligent, went mass, contributed society cats now: feckless ingrates, atheists, too lazy walk on hind legs

Fifteen Medieval Cat Memes Proving They've Always Been Up To Their Same Ol' BS

Somehow we're not surprised by this at all.
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Funny classical art memes | remember anything before 2020 painting of an old king holding a golden goblet | been solitary confinement so long even birds start looking sexy af: woman looking out of a building at a man with a bird's head

Classical Art Memes For People Who Like To Feel Cultured

Memes of the most cultured variety.
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Funny dank meme about how "Evil Bob Ross" doesn't exist | therapist: Evil Bob Ross isn't real, he can't hurt you. also therapist: no really, evil Bob Ross literally doesn't exist.
Via bertonomus
Funny memes about George and Martha Washington classic paintings | roses are red violets are children dammit martha | she's adopting more behind my back isn't she martha stop

George Washington Memes That Depict The First President As An Absent Father

"It is better to be alone than in bad company" - our boy
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Funny meme that reads, "When you're crushingly lonely and also your bed is made out of ham" above a medieval painting of a guy lying in a bed
Via doodlydoodledumdum
Funny memes made out of medieval art | know had rough life Death gives cuddle he comes claim soul CLASSICAL ART MEMES poor thing | Cats they hear pspspsps

Fourteen Strange Medieval Memes For History Buffs

WTF was going on back then...
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Wholesome Bob Ross quotes | " guess l'm little weird like talk trees and animals s okay though have more fun than most people."

19 Wholesome Bob Ross Quotes That'll Lift Your Spirits

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Funny memes featuring classical art | Where did all go so wrong? ugly modern building vs classical landscape greek architecture | drawing artwork painting of jesus walking on water and reaching for a drowning man's hand while a group of men sails in a boat nearby drowning! Hi Drowning Jesus

Twenty-Eight Classical Art Memes For The Uninspired Artist

These memes count as educational, right...?
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