
old people

funny fails by old people using the internet

15 Times The Elderly Couldn't Quite Grasp The Internets

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*Raises Hand*

Tweet that reads, "Retweet this if your retirement plan is basically 'civilization will probably crumble before I'm 65 and money will be meaningless anyway"
Via meowmeowmix
wholesome geriatric twitter adorable old people funny tweets grandma - 7631621

14 Adorably Geriatric Tweets From 'Pearls From Myrna'

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Caption that reads, "Hate when older people say 'You're too young to be tired,' alright Margaret you're too old to be alive but here we are" above a pic of Kermit the Frog
Via kerrykitty

'Oh Sh*t, I Had No Idea Susan!'

Tweet that reads, "Another Baby Boomer at work looked at the tattoo on my arm and said, 'You know those are permanent, right?' and I said no"
Via meowmeowmix

When Will They Stop

Fake headline that reads, "Are Millennials killing the 'writing articles about the industries Millennials are killing' industry?"
Via FinnTheLurker

Why Is This So Real

Funny meme about old people using the wrong emojis on sad posts, facebook.
Via memebase

It Was Brutal

Still of Boromir from Lord of the Rings in the snow yelling, "Where the f*ck are we, Gandalf?" Gandalf yells back, "This is the route our parents took to school!"
Via Orikson
millennials killing industries

10 More Totally Ridiculous Industries Millennials Are Supposedly Destroying

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Those Mullets Were Fire

Caption that reads, "People who say Millennials look stupid also went around thinking this was cool. Just remember that" above pics of people from the '80s with ridiculous haircuts and clothes
Via sadavocado
adorable cringe innocent old people social media old people facebook text message grandma Grandpa Walmart grandparents - 7321093

15 Times Misguided Old People Brought Their Hilarious Innocence To Social Media

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Ya Don't Say!

Headline that reads, "Millennials didn't kill the economy. The economy killed Millennials" above a caption that reads, "The American system has thrown them into debt , depressed their wages, kept them from buying homes - and them blamed them for everything"
Via kamiidevil

Dab It

Caption that reads, "When the whole squad ends up in the same nursing home" above a pic of a bunch of old people dabbing in a nursing home
Via OliveTheOysterDancer
Twitter memes

14 Sassy Tweets From Hilarious Canadian Politician Norm Kelly

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twitter tumblr random memes relatable funny memes old people funny tweets funny tumblr dogs dog memes cute - 7243013

43 Assorted Memes That'll Put You In Your Happy Place

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Time For A Sugar Daddy

Caption that reads, "*Checks bank account;* *Increases age range on Tinder to 55+*" above a stock photo of a woman happily scrolling through her phone
Via UltraVioletFlamingo