
What's in a name, really? An identity? Sometimes a joke that will follow you until you're 6 feet under. Whether your parents had the forethought to name you Ben Dover or Richard Small, sometimes we just wish we could forget about our names. That's what the internet is for though, to dig up those hilarious names that need to be out in the world.

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Quote the Tubbies, Nevermore

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I Couldn't Scream That

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Socially Awkward Penguin: Derpina D. Derp

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Perhaps Caitlyn?

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Herp Derp McFlerpington?

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Bacon Please

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On Second Thought

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It's Official

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It's a Very Masculine Name for All Those Manly Shows

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The Best Apartment Building

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Some Horses Never Die...

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You Gotta Get Some Numbers In There

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