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'We only use 10% of our brain': 20+ Old wives tales that folks still believe

Wait, that thing about gum isn't true?
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Science, geology, biology, Environment, school, bill nye, mythbusters, experiment, Class, academics, scientific method, Studying, Earth, Chemistry

21 Significant Science Memes for Passionate Fans of the Field

Scientists have it rough in this modern society. Well, they've never really had it easy. It's just that now, more than ever, they are facing pushback from the uninformed masses. Now, I'm no scientist, but I can't possibly fathom how frustrating it would be to have valid scientific data constantly decried. I just don't have the patience. But to the scientists out there who keep trucking along for the betterment and development of humanity, here's to you! I never performed well in any field of sc…
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cool savage builds adam savage iron man mythbusters science funny Video - 106585857

MythBusters' Adam Savage Puts Iron Man's Bulletproof Vest To The Test

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Interesting Mythbusters video that demonstrates how easy it is to contract a cold

Video Demonstrates How Easy It Is To Spread A Sickness Around

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Funny meme featuring the Mythbusters cast and a joke about whether or not Furries are people.
Via JannsCo
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The Internet Had a Ball Photoshopping This Picture of Kari Byron from Mythbusters Holding up Some Balloons

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We'll Always Have the Reruns

web comics mythbusters sad We'll Always Have the Reruns
Via dodgycomics
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Halo Myths Get Put to the Test

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Mythbusters Edited to Get to the Point

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Uncovering Truths in Just Cause 3

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More Fallout 4 Myths Tested

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This Video Tests the Myths of Fallout 4

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Created by leggomylegoeggo

Well, He Does Often Act Like a Little Boy...

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We've Got What You Need...

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